Analysis Of Business Etiquette Banquet Etiquette
modern Chinese etiquette
Chinese Banquet etiquette It is known that the evolution started from Zhou Gong, and for thousands of years, of course, there will be no more days like "Meng Guang meets Liang Hong's case", but it still formed a set of food and dining etiquette generally accepted today, which is the inheritance and development of the ancient food etiquette system. Food etiquette is different because of the nature and purpose of the banquet. Here are just a few examples.
Archaic Food etiquette They are divided into classes: court, government, gang, folk, etc. Modern ritual is simplified to: host (host), guest. As guests, they should pay attention to their appearance and decide whether to bring small gifts or good wine according to their relationship. Punctuality and punctuality for the banquet; after arrival, first, according to the knowledge, or from the host's introduction, follow the host's arrangement.
Then seated: this heroic row is the most important item in the whole Chinese food ceremony. From ancient times to the present, because of the evolution of the table, the layout of seats has changed accordingly. Generally speaking, the seat is "Zun Zun Dong" and "facing the gate respecting". The chief of the family banquet is the highest ranking seniors, the last one is the lowest; the family banquet, the chief is the most honored guest, and the guest host is the last. The chief is not seated, and no one can sit down. The chief is not able to start a job. He can not start his work when he patrols wine.
To be more careful, if someone comes to the table, regardless of the status of the inferior, the whole party should go out to meet.
If the round table is the main gate for the gate, the left hand side is 2, 4, 6, and the right hand is 3, 5, 7 and confluence.
If it is a table for eight immortals, if there is a seat facing the gate, then the right side of the gate side will be the guest.
If the door is not right, the right side of the east side is the chief. Then the chief left hand sits for 2, 4, 6, 8 (8 on the opposite side), and the right hand side is 3, 5, 7 (7 on the right side).
For a banquet, the arrangement between tables and tables should be in the middle of the chief residence, 2, 4, 6 seats on the left, and 3, 5, 7 seats on the right.
According to the status of the host and guest, the status is divided.
Order of dishes, Chinese food is generally fastidious: first cool after heat, first fry and then burn, salty fresh and light first, sweet flavor thick thick back, and finally the food. There are standard banquets, main dishes in hot dishes, such as bird's nest in bird's nest, sea cucumber in the sea cucumber feast, shark fin in the shark fin feast. It is supplemented by skimming and frying.
The general order of the banquet is:
(tea) - in the restaurant, because it has to wait, so first come to clear the tea. But it is not necessary. Because ancient people drink tea mostly.
Cold dishes - cold spell, flower spell.
Stir fry - depending on the size of the selection of stir fry, soft stir fry, dry fried, exploded, braised, steamed, steamed, poured, and other combinations.
Big dish - (not necessarily) refers to whole, whole, and whole noble dishes, such as a suckling pig, a whole sheep, a large piece of venison and so on.
Sugar beets - including sweet soup, such as sugar lotus seeds, tremella soup, etc.
Dessert - General banquet is not served, but cakes, cakes, balls, flour, noodles, stuffed dumplings, dumplings, etc.
(rice) - if not yet full
Fruit - refreshing and greasy
This order is not static, for example, fruit can sometimes be counted in cold dishes, and dim sum can be counted in hot dishes.
Thicker soup dishes should be served on hot dishes; valuable soup dishes, such as bird's nest, should be served as hot dishes.
As for seasonal considerations, there are also winter heavy red braised, red stewed, red grilled and casserole, chafing dish, etc., while summer is steamed, white juice, stir fried, cold mixed. In addition, color matching and diversification of raw materials should also be considered.
In restaurants and family banquets, the weight of dishes is also different.
The banquet is about 10% to 20% cold dishes; 30% stir fry, 40% large dishes.
The family feast can reduce the vegetables and increase the cold dishes.
As for the vessel, it can be said that history has lasted for a long time. The ancients said, "gourmet is not as good as the utensils." ". Therefore, in this place that pays attention to the diet culture and is rich in ceramic ware, the receptacle will naturally pay more attention to it.
Generally, large and medium sized flat plates (discs), large dishes of hot dishes, cold dishes or flexible choices, small dishes, snacks are generally required.
There must be deep pots, oil and soup, and a large soup bowl. Extra bowl and chopsticks. Large food utensils such as chafing dish, ovens and so on, as well as water utensils, tea sets, wine utensils.
As for the selection of the receptacles, the texture is better. Of course, the famous kiln antiques or all the famous porcelain can be put on the table. Color matching should be reasonable.
According to the color, nature, texture and name of the dish, choose different containers with different texture, shape, color and pattern.
Do not mix Chinese and Western cultures.
If a meat ball is served, use a luxurious yellow paper. If the steamed fish should be made of white porcelain or celadon dish, the dried fish will be heavily colored and thick. The coloring of cold dishes with coloring is suitable for small broken flower discs with symmetrical finely shading.
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