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    Taobao Issued New Rules In 2014 To Take Stock Of Recent Hot News

    2014/2/20 20:51:00 316


    < p > < strong > 1, pro and intercourse, do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > "dealings" is a magic weapon for Taobao to enter the mobile phone client to win the a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp" > WeChat customer /a group. And Ma Yun is pushing the project personally, giving her employees the index of developing 100 users per person, "/p".
    < p > strong > two, pro, Alipay spanfer is no longer free. Do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > the spanfer fee between Alipay and Alipay is beginning to be charged. Are you surprised? This is also a signal for Ali to enter the mobile terminal. This is to force the users of the PC terminal to the mobile phone end! Oh! /p >
    < p > < strong > three, pro, the collection has been useless for the rank, do you know? < /strong > /p >
    "P" shop and the treasure collection does not affect the natural ranking of the baby oh, so busy all day busy looking for friends and friends collection brush collection of children's shoes can rest! < /p >
    < p > strong > four, add < a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp" > consumer protection < /a > no longer need a deposit, do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > consumer bonds no longer need 1000 yuan. Oh, you only need to pay 30 yuan to Taobao to enjoy the service of consumer protection. Oh, the difference is that the 30 yuan is directly turned over, not as much as the previous 1000 yuan! < /p >
    < p > < strong > five, the threshold of Taobao shop is down again, do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > the time of opening a shop is 1/3, which opened a Taobao store in the past. This process has removed the examination project, and Alipay's real name authentication and Taobao store owner certification have been merged together. Combined with the fourth one, we can see that the threshold of Taobao shop has been reduced again, which indicates that more and more small sellers will be opened up later, and the competition will become more intense! < /p >
    < p > < strong > six, there is a quantity restriction in the limited time discount. Do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > Taobao official discount can only set 20 baby, if you shop baby more than 20 and want more baby to participate in the discount activities, please buy third party discount software, don't be pit Oh! < /p >
    < p > strong > seven, search is more humane. Do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > Taobao search has changed, consumers now only search for a commodity in Taobao, the following will appear, the consumer's usual shopping habits, such as favorite sellers, favorite style, consumption proposition and so on, so we can see Taobao's support for small and medium-sized sellers, no matter what kind of treasure you sell, no matter what your reputation is, as long as someone likes your style baby, your baby is likely to be displayed in search results, which requires the best style of your shop to be unified! < /p >
    < p > strong > eight, Wangwang OUT, and the thousand cattle are in the top. Do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > Wangwang seller version has been upgraded to the work table of thousand cattle. Many children's shoes are not used at the beginning. In fact, you can turn him into a seller's version. The functions are basically the same. In the upper right corner of the interface, you can switch to the seller's version of Wangwang style! < /p >
    < p > < strong > nine, wireless terminal will be supported by < a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp > > Taobao < /a >, do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > Taobao is bound to support and develop wireless terminals in the future. So there is no rush to open children's shoes. < /p >
    < p > < strong > ten, Taobao monitor brush reputation upgraded, do you know? < /strong > /p >
    < p > Taobao now has a perfect system to monitor the seller of brush credit. In fact, children's shoes that have not yet been caught don't hold fluke. Maybe your baby has been stealthy. Oh, /p!
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