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    The Shoe Industry Of Dongguan Will Take The Initiative To Create New Vitality Tomorrow.

    2014/7/2 14:40:00 124


    < p > reporter interviewed in Dongguan over the past few days found that with the change of economic situation, the internal driving force of Dongguan's transformation is increasing day by day. "Looking for the new a href=" http://zs.sjfzxm.com/ "> investment < /a > channel," what good projects have you introduced recently "has become the greeting term of many Dong merchants. What is particularly worth mentioning is that in recent years, transformation and upgrading of service enterprises have sprung up in Dongguan, and many have already developed into large scale enterprises. < /p >
    < p > < strong > helping people to change their concept < /strong > < /p >
    < p > "when I first came, I told people about industrial design, and people shook my head with me. Now I have just said that people know more than I do and have a set of professional terms." Yang Xiangdong, President of Guangdong Southern China Industrial Design Institute, has witnessed the transformation of Dongguan enterprises from their own perspective. < /p >
    < p > 2006, the Dongguan municipal government and Guangdong University of Technology invested in the construction of Guangdong Southern China industrial < a > Design < /a >. As a professor at Guangdong University of Technology, from academics to management, Yang Xiangdong admitted that he was very uncomfortable at the beginning. "Others feel that you gave me a few sheets of paper and painted some designs to make a little bit of shape. Why should I have so much money?" then, the global economic environment was still good, the manufacturers did not lack the list, and the money was well earned. "But there are already some people who want to make new attempts." < /p >
    < p > Dongguan Spark electrical and mechanical equipment group found Yang Xiangdong at that time, so that the Design Institute helped design its new project SFJ-50 static speaker generator set. After redesign, the domestic and foreign orders increased by more than 5 times in those years, bringing 180 million yuan economic benefits to the enterprise. Subsequently, the Dongguan high speed rail testing instrument Co., Ltd. came to the design institute to help its redesigned rubber testing equipment, so that the enterprise became a supplier of China high-speed rail inspection equipment at one stroke. < /p >
    After P, Guangdong Southern China Industrial Design Institute became a typical example of Dongguan's transformation and upgrading. "People began to have a new view of the Design Institute, and they came to the door more actively." Yang Xiangdong said. < /p >
    < p > "how can the government and academic experts advocate transformation and upgrading? The effect is not as great as the impact of the transformation of the market over the past two years on Dongguan people." A Dongguan entrepreneur told the Yangcheng Evening News reporter that under the influence of the global financial crisis, some big factories in Dongguan suddenly disappeared, and some factories did not receive the documents for half a year. "The bosses discovered that the original transformation was not going to die, and the strength of the market had turned them around. Moreover, when they find that doing something is profitable, they will follow up immediately. The design institute is a good example. < /p >
    < p > < strong > help the business extension area < /strong > < /p >.
    < p > Hunan Zhangjiajie people Chen Xinyuan, 1995 to Dongguan, a a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" > shoes < /a > factory workers, from the wage earners to shoe material factory small boss, now he, the main two industries, in addition to shoes manufacturing, and the other is Spirulina biotechnology. "The first industry, I will probably use 10% energy, and the rest is basically running the spirulina business." Chen Xinyuan said. < /p >
    Prior to the spirulina business, Chen Xinyuan had done the label processing and had done the magnetic card, but it failed to exceed half a year. "These are not the items I am looking for, I want a project with high technical content and sustainable development," P said. Then he was introduced by a fellow townsman. He met a doctor of biotechnology at Jinan University and finally decided to enter the industry. "And Songshan Lake is also very good for us. There are many platforms for Songshan Lake. We can find the right places to consult and cooperate in the fields of technology, packaging and bioscience." < /p >
    < p > {page_break} < /p >
    < p > Yangcheng Evening News reporter's visit found that relying on old capital and opening up new fields has become one of the modes of transformation and upgrading of Dongguan enterprises. In 2009, Ouyang Zhong, a well-known real estate developer in Dongguan, gave up the property and paper industry which was still very popular at that time, and smashed into the high-tech field of 180 million yuan into silicon carbide material. It shocked Dongguan business community. Now, Ouyang Zhong has begun to enjoy the fruits of early development. < /p >
    < p > "Guangdong Institute of electronic industry, Dongguan Institute of Mathematical Engineering, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and cloud computing center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc., all provide support for Dongguan enterprises that want to upgrade and upgrade, and have hatched enterprises such as Dongguan Bojie Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and" Guo Yun Polytron Technologies Inc ". As a matter of fact, these platforms themselves are also enterprises, rooted in Dongguan for many years, and they are gradually leaving the government to support the market and supporting themselves through the transformation and upgrading of services. This is a mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial good thing. " Dongguan Songshan Lake Propaganda Department official told Yangcheng Evening News reporter. < /p >
    < p > < strong > to help enterprises to build their own channels < /strong > < /p >
    < p > for most of the Dongguan enterprises that have the intention of transformation and upgrading, it is good to open up new fields, but with high capital requirements and greater risks, more self rescue methods of enterprises with transformation and upgrading requirements are to explore new channels, and the electricity supplier is undoubtedly the most popular choice at present. < /p >
    < p > in Dongguan, the miracle of Taobao always stimulates the nerves of Guan enterprises. "We have a small number of merchants who have tasted sweetness through Taobao here. A lot of exports are on the Internet!" Lin Jianqiang, director general of Dongguan Qinghua Lianhua Group registered trusteeship limited, told the Yangcheng Evening News reporter. "I recently met a manufacturer specializing in exporting high-end ceramics to Europe. Things were made very beautifully. I want to join them in doing business, and they will wrap up a new brand and see if they can open the domestic market." < /p >
    Lin Jianqiang, P, is one of the youngest companies in Songshan Lake. Just two months after its opening, 230 companies have come to register for clusters, of which nearly 80% of registered companies are electric providers. Most of them are traditional manufacturers. < /p >
    < p > "I have talked with some bosses, they all have great products, but they do not know much about the electricity supplier. They feel that as long as they hang up the product information on the Internet, someone will come to buy it, and the concept of" marketing "is very weak. Lin Jianqiang said, "we trust their companies to provide technical support and training courses to guide them in Internet marketing." < /p >
    < p > Dongguan Shang Rui Agel Ecommerce Ltd is also an e-commerce enterprise serving the upgrading of foreign trade. It has been established for more than three years and has become a commercial success model of Songshan Lake. Xu Jin, a more than 30 year old chief executive, said there was still a gap in the transformation of Dongguan enterprises to electricity providers. "There are more than 300 factories in cooperation with our company, but there are not many enterprises in Dongguan, and many of them are still thinking of traditional manufacturing enterprises. < /p >
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