Greeting Office Daily Etiquette
Greetings in offices are easy for people, but cordial greetings and compliments are indispensable polite language in work. Some companies in the service industry strongly advocate greeting language, requiring employees to use morning time in the morning to practice various kinds of greeting tone, hoping that they will develop good manners in constant learning.
Greeting is a basic language in interpersonal communication. Just like getting up at home, you should greet your elders. You should also express your good interpersonal relationship at any time in the workplace. Proper greetings are not words that sound unnatural or very artificial, but rather involve themselves in caring and cordial interaction.
Greeting is also a starting language. When developing various topics, a lot of greetings often allow the two sides to quickly resolve the ice and enter the proper topic.
Compliments It is not easy to form. Most successful leaders use clever compliments to motivate employees. The effect is even more valuable than giving money encouragement. Practicing praises first requires careful observation of the other's actions, finding items that the other person can praise, and then motivating people with simple and deep language.
Say hello It can be divided into upper, lower, lower, and parallel greetings. The above greeting is an example. This kind of greeting is different because of the different atmosphere in different offices. Some units are very serious. The greeting on the bottom is mostly bureaucratic. Some companies greet them as friendly as friends. Executive director Who is subordinate? It can be seen that greeting does not have a certain language mode, but it is the best start and interpersonal lubricant in office etiquette.
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In the west, restaurants usually have to make reservations beforehand. When making an appointment, there are several points to pay special attention to. First, the number and time should be specified. Secondly, it is necessary to indicate whether there is a need for a good seat or a good view. If it is a birthday or other special day, you can tell the purpose and budget of the banquet. Arriving at a scheduled time is a basic courtesy.
It is the common sense of European and American people to wear expensive casual clothes or dress casually at restaurants. For high-end restaurants, men should wear neat clothes, ladies wear suits and heel shoes. If a formal dress is specified, a man must wear a tie. When he enters the restaurant, the man should open the door first and ask the lady to enter. Ladies should be asked to go ahead. Ladies and gentlemen should give priority to seats and meals. Especially group activities, let's not forget to let ladies walk in front.
The most appropriate way to take a seat is from the left side. When the chair is pulled open, the body stands upright almost at the distance of the table. The usher will push the chair forward, and when the leg meets the chair behind it, it will be able to sit down. During the meal, the upper arm and back should rely on the back of the chair, and the abdomen and the table should keep the distance between one fist. It is best to avoid sitting on both feet.
In a fancy restaurant, bartenders who are good at tasting wine bring wine lists. For those who do not know much about wine, it is best to tell him his choice of dishes, budget, favorite wine flavors, and wine masters to help select. If the main course should be accompanied by red wine, the fish should be white. Before serving, you may wish to have a lighter wine such as champagne, sherry or Gil.
The full set of Western food order is: 1. The first dish and soup, fish, fruit, meat, cheese, dessert and coffee, fruit, wine and wine. It is not necessary to point at all, too much, but not to eat, but to be rude. Restaurants with a moderate standard are welcome to serve only the former dishes. The most suitable combination is the former dish, the main course (fish or meat) and the dessert. Ordering is not started from the previous dishes, but first choose the most desired main course, and the soup that is suitable for the main course.
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