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    Industry Giants Explore Future Trends Of Leather

    2015/9/1 7:13:00 19

    Industry GiantsLeatherShanghai Leather Show

    In August 31, 2015

    Shanghai Leather Fair

    After the first day of the exhibition, the organizers of the exhibition and the leather industry giants gathered at the VIP restaurant in Shanghai restaurant, Shanghai Zhuo Mei Himalaya Hotel from 19 to 21 o'clock for a dinner.

    During the dinner, the tycoons from the leather industry of different countries shared their respective countries respectively.

    Leather industry

    The development history of the leather industry is also discussed.

    The banquet was attended by Mr. Su Chaoying, director of the China Leather Association, senior director of Asia Pacific Leather Exhibition Limited, Mr. Duan Peiling, chairman of France leather Council.

    Frank Boehly

    Sir, Mr. Jonathan Clark of PrimeAsia, Mr. Mike Redwood of LeatherNaturally and so on.

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    National environmental regulations are becoming increasingly stringent, and governance has been unprecedentedly increased. Environmental protection has become the lifeline for the survival and development of enterprises.

    The leather industry urgently needs to formulate a system file that can guide the industry to meet the requirements of the state environmental protection laws and regulations.

    Against this background, "tannery industry water saving and emission reduction technology roadmap" came into being.

    On August 30, 2015, at the seven China's Leather Industry Association's five enlarged meeting of directors in Shanghai, Su Chaoying, director of China Leather Association officially released the "tannery industry water saving and emission reduction technology roadmap" (hereinafter referred to as "road map").

    It is reported that "roadmap", based on extensive research, has selected technical processes that meet the practical needs of the industry and are operable.

    On the basis of scientific analysis, we have defined the target of water-saving and emission reduction and the corresponding technical line for the industry in the next 5~10 years.

    From the strategic height, we have defined the sustainable development path of leather industry in China.

    It provides forward-looking guidance and scientific basis for the leather industry technology innovation and technology investment, and provides decision-making basis for the government departments to formulate macro policies.

    President Su Chaoying introduced the compilation process of the "road map": 2014 started in July, during which several seminars were held, and several manuscripts were finalized, and finalized in August 2015.

    Led by the China Leather Association, Professor Ma Jianzhong, Professor of the Chinese Academy of engineering and Professor Shi Bi, Sichuan University, director of the technical Specialized Committee of the China Leather Association and vice president of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, vice chairman of the Chinese Academy of sciences are the deputy heads of the group. The participants are mainly technical Specialized Committee, tanning Specialized Committee and leather chemical members of China Leather Association.

    The "road map" principle is revised every 3 - 5 years.

    The "roadmap" consists of six chapters: 1., the status quo of water-saving and emission reduction in tannery industry; 2. analysis of water-saving and emission reduction requirements in tannery industry; 3. analysis of water-saving and emission reduction targets in industry; 4. supporting technologies for achieving water-saving emission reduction targets; 5. Key Technologies R & D and key development directions for water-saving and emission reduction; 6 technical roadmap for water-saving and emission reduction in leather industry.

    President Su Chaoying has emphatically analyzed the main points of the roadmap, which has also become the core of supporting the "road map" and the highlight of the issue.

    The first is the goal of water-saving and emission reduction in leather industry.

    In 2020, the target (according to the data base of 2014) is that the annual discharge of waste water is reduced from 115 million M3 to 104 million m3, the reduction rate is 9.7% to 10 thousand and 400 tons, the reduction rate reaches 30.5%, the annual ammonia nitrogen emission is reduced from 3450 tons to 2077 tons, the reduction rate is 39.8%, the annual total nitrogen emission decreases from 8050 tons to 5192 tons, and the reduction rate reaches 35.5%; the annual chromium emission decreases from 43.1 tons to 32.7 tons, and the annual total amount of chromium is reduced from tons to tons.

    By 2025 targets: the total amount of annual wastewater discharge dropped to 93 million m3, 19.3% less than that in 2014; the total emission of COD decreased to 9 thousand and 300 tons, 37.9% lower than that in 2014; the total ammonia nitrogen emission dropped to 1394 tons, the reduction of 59.6% tons in 2014 compared with that in 2014; the total nitrogen emissions decreased to 3711 tons, 53.9% less than that in 2014; the total amount of annual chromium emissions dropped to 23.6 tons, decreased by 48.3%% compared with that in 2014; the total amount of solid waste produced by chromium bearing leather decreased to 331 thousand tons, decreasing by 53.9%.

    The key points are two supporting technologies for achieving water-saving and emission reduction targets, including source control technology (including hazardous chemicals substitution technology, COD emission reduction technology, ammonia nitrogen reduction technology, chromium reduction technology, salt saving technology), water-saving technologies (including water saving technology in process process, waste water recycling technology in process cycle, water saving equipment, reclaimed water reuse technology), and terminal treatment technology (including wastewater treatment technology, emission reduction technology, solid waste recycling technology).

    The key points are three key technologies research and development of water-saving and emission reduction and key development directions: on the basis of full investigation, sorting out the development demand factors, and dividing them into: "top development needs", 9 "advanced development needs", 8 "intermediate development needs", and 5 most important development needs of leather making industry: 1, water saving technology: water saving technology, water-saving equipment and waste liquid recycling technology; 2, source control and terminal treatment technology of chromium and ammonia nitrogen pollution: chromium reduction process, chrome free tanning agent, ammonia free deashing softener, wastewater biological treatment technology; 3, solid waste treatment and utilization technology: leather solid waste utilization technology and tannery sludge treatment technology.

    Based on the above development needs, the technological roadmap of water-saving and emission reduction in leather industry has been worked out.

    Point four is the tannery industry water saving and emission reduction technology roadmap (according to technical importance sorting) to establish three major boundary areas: "chemical materials", "process equipment", "resource and environment".

    Within each boundary area, the various water saving and emission reduction technologies are sorted and sorted in different colors: "top development needs", "advanced development needs", "intermediate development needs".

    At the end of the speech, chairman Su stressed: "the release of the" road map "will strongly push the tannery industry to take the road of sustainable development of resource-saving and environment-friendly, and guide our country from" tanning big country "to" tanning power "at an early date, laying a solid foundation for realizing the dream of" leather power "in China.

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