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    How To Achieve Pformation And Upgrading Of Enterprises?

    2015/10/23 15:58:00 28

    FootwearClothingShoe Materials

    What will Quanzhou build to build the 2025 model area for manufacturing in China, and to build industrial pformation and upgrading in the first place? Quanzhou will push ahead with the digitalization, intellectualization and networking of machinery and equipment.

    footwear industry



    And the pformation of three traditional pillar industries, such as stone.

    At present, the scientific and technological revolution and industrial pformation are historically converging, and the group technology revolution characterized by green, intelligence and ubiquitous is emerging.

    Since 2014, academicians and experts from the Chinese Academy of engineering have visited Quanzhou for 3 times to promote the implementation of the national "NC generation" teacher training project in Quanzhou, and regard Quanzhou as the "only 2025 place" pilot made in China. The Quanzhou made 2025 development outline (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline") outlines a clear blueprint for the pformation and upgrading of Quanzhou's manufacturing industry.

    According to the "2025" intelligent manufacturing target made in Quanzhou, Quanzhou will basically build an influential intelligent manufacturing base in 2025 to form an intelligent manufacturing industry cluster that can respond quickly to market demand and become one of the top 10 manufacturing industries in China.

    According to the "Outline", the core of "Quanzhou intelligent manufacturing 2025" is to realize the three pformation: from mechanized automation manufacturing to digital and intelligent manufacturing pformation, from changing the growth speed to paying attention to the quality and leather benefits, and changing from manufacturing to service manufacturing.

    Flying in Nanan

    Shoe material

    Manufacturing Co., Ltd., more than 2000 square meters of workshops neatly placed more than 100 shoe machine equipment, 24 hours continuous and efficient operation, one day can produce more than 6000 pairs of high-end brand shoes embroidered upper.

    "Our vamp production equipment is the latest 3D vamp printing machine developed by Nanan Nan Yi company. It can produce high-grade and exquisite embroidered vamp. The product quality is comparable to that of the world famous Adidas company, and the production efficiency is high. One device is worth 5 workers."

    Huang Wenshui, chairman of flying art company.

    Flying technology is a microcosm of Quanzhou's private enterprises exploring and upgrading.

    As a member of Quanzhou's 100 billion shoe industry cluster, behind the flying arts reflects Quanzhou's efforts to push forward the industrial pformation of the traditional industries of footwear, clothing, stone and other industries with the digitalization and intellectualization of machinery and equipment.

    Quanzhou is the largest economy in Fujian province. It is also an important city in the development of equipment manufacturing industry. It has a huge manufacturing system and has formed a relatively complete industrial chain.

    Among them, textile and clothing, footwear and petrochemical 3 industries achieve 100 billion yuan output value, building construction materials, machinery and equipment, food and beverage 3 industries to achieve 50 billion yuan output value, and become one of the most dynamic areas of Fujian province's economy.

    Academician Li Peigen, head of the establishment group of "Quanzhou manufacturing 2025", will also be attributed to the fact that Quanzhou is the national famous brand city and an important manufacturing base. Quanzhou people have the character of "fighting hard to win" and "going first try"; in 2014, Quanzhou achieved 573 billion 336 million yuan of GDP, and the total economic output ranked first in the province for 16 consecutive years; there were 86 listed enterprises, 124 well-known Chinese products and 46 famous brand products in China.

    "In the context of the comprehensive pformation of China's manufacturing industry and the efforts to achieve a strong manufacturing power, Quanzhou, as a typical city in the development of China's manufacturing industry, has an important exemplary significance for the pformation and upgrading of manufacturing."

    Zheng Xincong, Secretary of Quanzhou Municipal Committee, said.


    However, compared with domestic cash cities, Quanzhou's manufacturing industry is "big but not strong" growth mode is relatively extensive, most enterprises still use small and low-end production equipment, lack of high-end technology support such as numerical control, intelligence and so on.

    At the juncture of innovation channels and pformation and upgrading, Quanzhou is faced with a golden opportunity and challenge.

    How to achieve pformation and upgrading of enterprises? The most critical and fundamental thing is "innovation driven".

    Zhou Ji, President of the Chinese Academy of engineering, said that the "numerical control zone" demonstration project is an important starting point for Quanzhou to achieve innovation driven, pformation and upgrading.

    We should take the integration of "Networking" and "digitalization" as the main body, intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of attack, promote the close integration of politics, production, education, research and gold, promote the organized innovation drive, gather a large number of innovative talents, and pform more scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces.

    "Quanzhou is not only a pilot area for regional financial reform, but also a demonstration area for e-commerce, and now it promotes Quanzhou's manufacturing 2025. The combination of these three will give a fundamental impetus to the development of China's manufacturing industry. Quanzhou's manufacturing industry will usher in an upgraded version of the manufacturing industry."

    This is in November 2014, in the "numerical control generation" demonstration project in Quanzhou Province, at the scene of the promotion conference, Zhou Ji's expectations for Quanzhou.

    "Longchuan Hakka folk song, planted the phoenix tree to lead Phoenix" for nearly a year, the past forecast of Zhou Ji's foresight was soon fulfilled. The successful upgrading of Quanzhou's manufacturing industry has not only become an example of Fujian's learning and promotion, but also attracted the attention of Premier Li Keqiang.

    In April 2015, Premier Li Keqiang came to Quanzhou for an inspection. The prime minister said that the "Internet +" is far greater than known, and the future space is unlimited.

    Every exploration of water will inevitably affect the reshaping of traditional industries.

    In order to maintain the medium and high speed in the long run, the Chinese economy must move towards the middle and high end, and we must accelerate the "made in China 2025".

    Knowing that Quanzhou has taken the lead in formulating implementation rules, the prime minister has encouraged Quanzhou to take the lead in the country.

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