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    Review On The Economic And Social Development Of The 13Th Five Year Plan Guided By Xi Jinping'S Thought Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics In The New Era

    2020/10/30 15:37:00 0

    Xi JinpingNew EraCharacteristicsSocialismIdeologyGuidance13Th Five Year PlanEconomySocietyDevelopmentReview

    Great thoughts originate from great times;

    Innovation theory guides innovation practice.

    In the process of "carrying on the past and opening up the future" in the "13th five year plan" period, we should carry forward the past and open up the future.

    In the past five years, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, China's economic and social development has achieved historic leaps and made decisive achievements. The victory of poverty alleviation and building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way is in sight. The prospect of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way is bright, and the Chinese nation ushers in a new history Great changes.

    Transformation and reshaping: leading high quality development with new development concept and opening up a new realm of China's development

    On October 22, the general secretary of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee held an ordinary report on the implementation of the plan on October 22.

    "The main indicators will be achieved as scheduled, major strategic tasks and 165 major engineering projects will be fully implemented, and all the objectives and tasks determined in the plan will be successfully completed" and "China's economic strength, scientific and technological strength and comprehensive national strength will rise to a new level"

    Five years of practice has fully proved that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has a long-term vision and a scientific choice.

    Back in 2015, China's economic growth has further slowed down on the basis of a sustained slowdown in previous years, with an annual growth of 7%, the lowest in more than 20 years.

    In the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping is deeply thinking about what kind of development China should achieve and how to develop.

    Look at the general situation, seek the overall situation, and blaze new trails.

    The thought is deepened and sublimated in the process of "practice cognition practice re cognition" and becomes the scientific guidance to promote the sustainable and healthy development of China's economy and society.

    ——It is proposed to adapt to the new normal of leading economic development, get rid of "speed anxiety", and solve the problem of "how to see" China's economy;

    ——We should take the supply side structural reform as the main line of economic work, get rid of short-term stimulus dependence, and take structural reform as the main direction of attack, so as to solve the problem of "how to do" in China's economy;

    ——We should adhere to the general keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability, face various risks and challenges, maintain strategic determination, adhere to the bottom line thinking, and clarify the methodology of doing a good job in economic work;


    The concept of development is the guide of development action, which is in charge of the overall situation, the root, the direction and the long-term.

    It embodies the continuous thinking and practice of China's development path, promotes the overall layout of "five in one" and "four comprehensives" in coordination, and establishes the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing.

    In October 2015, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the new concept of development, which provided basic guidance for China's development during the 13th five year plan and even longer period.

    The 13th plenary session of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has formulated and passed the "proposal on solid development of China's national economy". All Party members should fully understand the great practical and far-reaching historical significance of this reform.

    In the past five years, a profound change related to China's overall development has been fully opened——

    Innovation has become the first driving force, coordination has become an endogenous feature, green has become a universal form, opening up has become the only way, sharing has become the fundamental goal, and the new development concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

    "China's economy has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development." In October 2017, the 19th CPC National Congress made a major judgment on China's development.

    Focus on the strategic goal of high-quality development and accelerate the layout of modern economic system——

    Deepening supply side structural reform, speeding up the construction of an innovative country, implementing the strategy of rural revitalization, implementing the strategy of regional coordinated development, adhering to green development, accelerating the improvement of the socialist market economic system, and promoting the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up, China's economic innovation and competitiveness have been continuously enhanced.

    "It has successfully controlled the overall situation of China's economic development, and formed Xi Jinping's economic thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with the new development concept as the main content in practice." The central economic work conference held at the end of 2017 made this important conclusion.

    This is the theoretical crystallization of China's economic development practice and the latest achievement of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, which provides strong ideological guidance for China's development.

    Through the stormy waves and showing strong resilience, China's economy has leaped to high-quality development.

    In the 13th five year plan, China has gone through a remarkable course.

    The total economic volume is close to 100 trillion yuan, per capita GDP has risen to 10000 US dollars, decisive achievements have been made in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and poverty alleviation, with a contribution rate of about 30% to world economic growth; it has the largest middle-income group in the world, and the formation of a strong domestic market is speeding up; With the continuous improvement of the ecological environment, the green development mode and lifestyle have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the construction of beautiful China has achieved remarkable results. Beidou networking has been completed, 5g business has been accelerated, and Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge has been flying over three places. Created in China, made in China and built in China have attracted worldwide attention

    The greater the banner, the higher the quality of China's development.

    People first -- adhere to the people as the center, and constantly realize the people's yearning for a better life

    For the first time in the history of five-year planning compilation, more than 1.018 million comments were received from netizens!

    In August this year, China launched an online consultation activity on the preparation of the 14th five year plan. General Secretary Xi Jinping gave an important instruction on this: the people's yearning for a better life is our goal, and the people's confidence and support are the strength of our country's progress.

    Everything is for the people and everything depends on the people, which is the source of strength for our party to lead the people to overcome difficulties and make continuous progress in the past 100 years.

    "The main social contradictions in our country have been transformed into the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and the unbalanced and inadequate development" -- the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a major judgment, which profoundly reflected the Era Connotation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's people-centered ruling concept.

    "The times are the paper makers, we are the responders, and the people are the readers."

    The 13th Five Year Plan period is the decisive stage for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and achieving the first Centennial goal. In the face of prominent problems and shortcomings such as poverty alleviation of the rural poor and unbalanced and uncoordinated development, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always put the people in the central position of governance and administration, and clearly put forward the people-centered development thought.

    It is not only the Millennium dream of the Chinese nation, but also the concentrated embodiment of the people-centered development thought.

    More than 50 million rural poor people have been lifted out of absolute poverty, and the poverty incidence rate has dropped from 4.5% in 2016 to 0.6% in 2019, and regional overall poverty has been basically solved

    During the period of the 13th five year plan, our party regards poverty alleviation as the bottom line task and landmark indicator for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. In order to implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirement that "there should be no less than one on the road to a well-off society in an all-round way", the whole Party's national mobilization and five level secretaries have joined hands to launch a precise anti-poverty thought and fight a decisive battle to overcome poverty.

    It is a vivid interpretation of the practice of the people's centered development thought to effectively solve the minor issues of people's livelihood and let the people have more sense of gain, happiness and security.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping has been thinking about the "urgency, difficulties, worries and expectations" of the masses. From putting employment in a prominent position to weaving a tight social security net, from striving to enable people to enjoy better and fairer education to comprehensively promote the construction of healthy China, promoting clean heating in winter in northern China, improving the service quality of nursing homes, promoting the "toilet revolution", promoting waste classification, and launching the battle of pollution prevention and control Working year by year, we have implemented the work one by one. Our "13th five year plan" has won praise from hundreds of millions of people.

    To fight the epidemic well and put people's life safety and health in the first place is a powerful demonstration of practicing the people-centered development thought.

    In the face of the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia, the Party Central Committee ordered, all sides rushed to help, unite as one, launched a magnificent epidemic prevention and control of the war, to build a solid defense line of epidemic prevention and control. At all costs and without giving up any glimmer of hope, everyone's life and dignity have been taken good care of, from babies born only 30 hours old to people over 100 years old. In the face of the extremely dangerous virus and in the test of life and death, the party and the people have always been heart to heart, breathing together, and sharing the same fate. They have carried out their original mission with action and fulfilled their solemn commitments.

    "I will have no me, I will live up to the people."

    It is our party's greatest confidence and unremitting pursuit to always be with the people and work together.

    On the way forward, we will be invincible if we insist on taking the people as the center and gather the great power of the people.

    Good governance and foundation building -- give full play to the superiority of China's socialist system, and modernize the national governance system and governance capacity to a new level

    More than 600 million people travel, more than 466.5 billion yuan of tourism revenue——

    This year's National Day Mid Autumn Festival holiday, "Mobile China" shows the world the country's strong repair ability and the excellent performance of the national governance system.

    Foreign media lamented that China is returning to a near normal state at an alarming speed.

    Only when it is difficult, it shows courage and fortitude.

    "History and reality tell us that as long as we adhere to and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and be good at using institutional forces to deal with the impact of risks and challenges, we will certainly be able to withstand the pressure tests one after another, turn the crisis into opportunity and emerge from the fire." General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the national commendation meeting for fighting against new crown pneumonia was incisive and profound.

    Institutional advantage is the greatest advantage of a country.

    From the major proposition of "improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity" put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, to the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC, in order to promote the maturity and finalization of various systems and clarify the timetable and road map, General Secretary Xi Jinping first "points" and then "breaks the topic", so as to make the socialist system with Chinese characteristics We should give full play to the advantages of the government and continuously release the governance efficiency.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out "the key to solve the problem" - comprehensively deepen reform.

    The "13th five year plan" is the key period for comprehensively deepening the reform, advancing to the deep-water area, gnawing at the hard bone and getting involved in dangerous beaches.

    Over the past five years, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has focused on the issue of institutional modernization, which has a bearing on the long-term stability of the party and the country. It has worked out a layout in-depth thinking, and has carried out a large number of institutional reform tasks with great strength, high requirements and practical measures to promote the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to become more mature and stereotyped.

    Over the past five years, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has made scientific research and judgment on different problems in different fields, combined long-term system construction with solving outstanding problems, integrated promotion with key breakthroughs, reform and innovation with the legislation, reform and interpretation of laws and regulations, and elimination of persistent problems in systems and mechanisms with the solution of emerging contradictions, so as to make all aspects of the system and mechanism more effective Scientific and more perfect.

    From ramming the foundation and erecting the beam with columns, to comprehensively advancing and accumulating potential, and then to system integration and coordination and efficiency, we have made rapid and steady progress, courageous and resolute, comprehensively deepening the reform, and achieving new breakthroughs at a new starting point.

    Strengthening the foundation and strengthening the foundation with the reform of system and mechanism——

    The socialist democratic system is more mature, and the development of people's democracy is more extensive, full and sound; the amendment to the constitution, the civil code, and the law on national security related to Hong Kong have been promulgated successively, promoting the transition from "having laws to abide by" to "good laws and good governance"; adhering to the socialist core values to lead the cultural construction system; deepening the reform of the party and state institutions has achieved significant results; The party's discipline inspection and the reform of the state's supervisory system have been steadily promoted.

    Promoting development with the reform of system and mechanism——

    To promote innovation and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, relevant heavyweight documents have been issued in succession; to stimulate the momentum, the documents on the system reform of the special economic zone have been successively launched; the streamlining of administration and decentralization, the continuous optimization of business environment, and the release of the vitality of hundreds of millions of market entities.

    System reform warms people's heart and mechanism——

    The reform of social security system continued to deepen; the construction of ecological civilization system was promoted in depth; the ecological protection system and mechanism were more perfect; the social governance system of CO governance and sharing was further improved

    Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the continuous reform and innovation of system and mechanism, and the continuous improvement of governance level and governance ability have provided a solid and powerful guarantee for the "governance of China".

    Opening up and cooperation: better coordinating the domestic and international overall situation and opening up new development space for China

    October 14, 2020, Lianhua Mountain, Shenzhen.

    The banyan pavilions planted by General Secretary Xi Jinping are covered with luxuriant branches.

    "It's been eight years. It's been a snap. It's a good place to choose. The crown can be spread out and the tree will grow fast. " On the special occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, General Secretary Xi Jinping's remarks here are meaningful.

    Unswervingly expanding opening up is an important part of Xi Jinping's Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and it is also the success code for Shenzhen to write the miracle of the times.

    During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the world is experiencing a great change that has not been seen in a century, and global turbulence and change are intensifying. Looking at the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the historical convergence period of the two centenary goals is particularly critical.

    The vicissitudes of the world are changing. How can China's relations with the world undergo profound changes? How can we cultivate new opportunities in crisis and open up new situations in the face of changes? How can China forge ahead in the process of opening up, cooperation and mutual benefit with other countries in the world?

    "We should stick to the principle of" holding hands "instead of" letting go ", adhere to" breaking down walls "instead of" building walls ", and resolutely oppose protectionism and unilateralism..."

    To understand the general trend of the times, we should grasp the general trend of the times.

    The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core firmly stands on the right side of history and holds higher the banner of open development, cooperative development and win-win development. The door of China's opening up is opening wider and wider.

    From the continuous expansion of the pilot free trade zone to the construction of Hainan free trade port with high quality and high standards, from the promulgation and implementation of the foreign investment law to the continuous expansion of financial opening, the reduction of tariff level for many times, and from the groundbreaking international trade fair to the grand service trade fair During the 13th Five Year Plan period, China has been building a more comprehensive, deeper and more yuan opening pattern.

    "Promoting the construction of an open world economy" and "the new development pattern is not a closed domestic cycle, but an open domestic and international dual cycle". General Secretary Xi Jinping's profound thinking on the opening strategy has provided ideological guidance for China's comprehensive expansion of opening-up.

    Openness is a distinctive symbol of contemporary China.

    General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed and promoted the belt and road initiative, opened up a new world for China to participate in and lead global open cooperation, and became the world's largest international cooperation platform.

    From scratch, from vision to reality, from "freehand brushwork" of general layout to meticulous "meticulous painting" Adhering to the principle of joint discussion, co construction and sharing, China has signed 200 cooperation documents on jointly building the "belt and road" with 138 countries and 30 international organizations, and jointly carried out more than 2000 cooperation projects.

    "In today's economic globalization, there is no isolated island. As residents of the global village, we should establish a sense of a community of shared human destiny. " The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping is of great significance to China's peaceful development and the prosperity and progress of the world in keeping with the historical trend and building consensus among all countries.

    Building a global community of shared destiny and promoting peaceful development Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought formed in the great practice of creating a new situation of great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics embodies China's global vision, world mind and great power responsibility of unifying its own development with that of the world.

    In the past five years, China's partnership has grown to 112 pairs, and China's circle of friends has become larger and larger. China has been increasingly close to the center of the world stage by holding a series of major home diplomatic activities, such as the G20 summit in Hangzhou, the BRICs leaders' Xiamen meeting, the SCO Qingdao summit, and the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China Africa cooperation.

    Take the helm and lead the way -- adhere to the party's leadership over all work, and ensure that the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics continues to win new and greater victories

    October 26, 2020, Beijing. The curtain of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee was opened.

    Drawing a blueprint for the future development of the country with the wisdom and strength of the whole Party and the whole society is a vivid manifestation of the party's leadership over all work.

    In the East, West, North and south, the party leads everything.

    "The most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the party is the highest political leading force." General Secretary Xi Jinping's profound exposition has a clear-cut and eloquent voice.

    Looking back on the extraordinary course of five years and adhering to the party's overall leadership, this main line is particularly distinct——

    "The party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee to do a good job in all aspects of the work of the party and the state, and is the fundamental point of China's political stability, economic development, national unity and social stability.";

    "Upholding and improving the party's leadership is the fundamental and lifeblood of the party and the country, and the interests and happiness of the people of all ethnic groups in the country.";


    Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era deepens the understanding of the ruling law of the Communist Party, the law of socialist construction and the law of human social development with a new vision, and guides the comprehensive strengthening of the party's leadership in the new era.

    Take the overall situation into consideration and coordinate all parties.

    "Adhering to the party's leadership" - five years ago, the 13th five year plan proposed that this principle should be followed, and a separate chapter was set up to make detailed arrangements for "strengthening and improving the party's leadership".

    Some inner-party laws and regulations such as "some provisions of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on strengthening and maintaining the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee" were promulgated; Make institutional arrangements for the Secretariat of the Central Committee for Discipline Inspection, the Party group of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Party group of the State Council, the Party group of the CPPCC National Committee, the Party group of the Supreme People's court, and the Party group of the Supreme People's procuratorate to report to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee every year; Four leading groups, including the State Supervision Commission, the Central Committee on the comprehensive rule of law, the central Audit Commission, and the central leading group for comprehensively deepening reform, have been established and transformed into committees Over the past five years, the party's overall leadership has been strengthened in terms of system and mechanism, and its role in orientation, overall situation, policy formulation and reform promotion has been further strengthened.

    It is the mainstay of the current. To cope with and overcome various risks and challenges on the way forward, the key lies in the party.

    "To uphold the party's leadership, we must constantly improve the party's leadership, so that the party's leadership can better meet the requirements of practice, the times and the people." This is a consistent and important view of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

    "He who is good for his country must first govern his body." In the past five years, guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, we have carried out in-depth efforts to strictly manage the party in an all-round way, won an overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption, and significantly improved the party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness.

    "To strike iron, one must be hard." The theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind" has been carried out in depth throughout the party. The party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction and discipline construction have been comprehensively promoted. The party's learning ability, political leadership ability, reform and innovation ability, scientific development ability, ruling ability according to law, mass work ability, implementation ability and risk control ability are promoted comprehensively We will improve our ability in an all-round way.

    After five years of hard work and five years of hard work, China's great historical changes that attract the world's attention have once again verified: "the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the fundamental political guarantee for the sustained and healthy development of the economy and society."

    Under the leadership of a strong core and under the guidance of innovative theories, the Centennial CPC has united and led 1.4 billion Chinese people to the great cause of national rejuvenation.

    Pointer to history, pointing to the new scale.

    Victory is in sight for the first centenary goal, and the second is about to start. At this moment, standing at the intersection of history, we look forward to the bright future of the 14th five year plan and the long-term goal of 2035. Under the guidance of the great banner, we are full of pride.

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