Leadership Etiquette
一、 化妝
(一) 淡雅為主
Judging from the characteristics and rules of make-up itself, the make-up artist appropriately integrates his makeup into his own body. If he is not, he naturally seems to be born so, that is the highest state of make-up. According to the prevailing aesthetic psychology, if you do not engage in special occupations and attend special occasions, heavy make-up is difficult to accept.
(二) 揚長避短
No one in the world is perfect in meters. Any person is more or less, or big or small. Many people skillfully make use of make-up to highlight advantages, mediate mediocrity, make up for defects, and beautify their own image.
1、 認清自我。自身的年齡、身材、膚色、容顏等基本條件,是化妝的重要參考依據,當然應當心中有數。
2、 區別對待。化妝也要"具體問題具體分析",根據自身各部位的特點,運用不同的化妝技巧進行美化。切忌千篇一律,或者盲目仿效時髦的化妝方法。例如:圓臉型的人適合留直線型長發或高聳型盤發,長臉型的人適合留蓬松卷發或留有齊眉劉海的童花式發型。把上述兩種臉型所適合的發型對調,就會圓臉更圓,長臉更長。
(三) 協調整體。
(四) 遵守常規
1、 修飾避人。化妝屬于個人隱私,原則上只能在家中進行。特殊情況下,需要在其他場合臨時補妝,也應選擇隱蔽之處。在許多國家,單身女子在飯店、舞廳、街頭等公眾場合當眾化妝、補妝,往往會被視作風塵女子。
2、 運用技巧。不同的化妝品有不同的使用方法和技巧,化妝之中,要合理運用。否則,不僅造成浪費,還會弄巧成拙。
二、 儀容
Beauty of appearance is the unity of natural beauty, modified beauty and inner beauty. Natural beauty refers to congenital condition and natural aptitude; to modify the US finger is to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses; and to express the inner beauty and the outward temperament.
A complete beauty of appearance is indispensable to three aspects. These three aspects of beauty are innate, acquired, "hardware", "software", some aspects can be changed by themselves, and some aspects are not changed by themselves. The pursuit of a complete beauty of appearance has a great effect on itself: innate (appearance) deficiency can be made up for the day after tomorrow; external deficiencies can be internally compensated.
(一) 頭發
3、 發型得體。與個人的發質、臉型、身高、胖瘦、年齡、著裝、佩飾、性格相協調,與自己的職業、身份、工作環境相適應。
4, beautify nature. Use the methods of dyeing, blanching, blowing and so on to beautify. There should be too much carving.
(二) 面容
Be diligent to wash your face and keep clean and refreshing. Eyebrows, eyes, mouth, teeth, nose, ears and other parts, in addition to keeping clean, can also be properly decorated. Without special religious beliefs, national habits and special identities, it is best not to have beards.
(三) 手臂
Keep your hands healthy, healthy and beautiful. Do wash and repair regularly. Do not shake hands or touch hands with dirty hands or sick hands. In formal occasions, shoulder arms (especially shoulders) should not be exposed. Women's armpit hair exposure is a taboo.
(四) 腿腳
In formal occasions, the taboos are bare. Wearing shorts and barefoot shoes is wrong. Ladies wear skirts, not allowed to bare thighs without socks, but not Xu Guang's thighs exposed to skirts.
三、 舉止
(一) 站姿
1、 良好站姿:直立、挺胸、收腹、直項;從正面看,身體重心在兩腿之間穿過脊柱及頭部,重心落在前腳掌;眼睛平視,雙臂自然下垂或在體前交叉,右手置于左手上;兩腿直,膝蓋放松,大腿稍收緊上提。
Men stand, feet can be separated, but can not exceed the shoulder width. Women stand with their feet in a "V" shape, knees and heels as tight as possible, or with one foot in front and one foot behind, the heel of the front foot close to the back of the instep, and the knee slightly bent.
2、 禁忌:身體不夠端正,雙腿開叉過大,兩腳隨意亂動,表現自由散漫。
(二) 坐姿
3、 禁忌:把腿疊成采用"4"字型;用手把疊起的腿扣住;疊腿又晃動腳尖;把兩腿叉開伸得老遠;把腳藏在坐椅下,或者用腳勾住椅子腿。
(三) 行姿
1、 標準行姿:全身挺直,昂首挺胸;起步前傾,重心在前;腳尖前伸,步幅適中;全身協調,勻速直行;雙肩平穩,兩臂擺動。 [FS:PAGE]
2、 禁忌:方向不定,速率多變,瞻前顧后,八字步態,響動過大。
(四) 手姿
1、 基本手姿:
Hang down: first, the hands hang down naturally, the palm is inward, folded or clasped in front of the abdomen; secondly, the hands are straight and drooping, and the palms are inward, and are pasted in the inner side of the thigh respectively.
2. Back arms: arms reach behind, hands grip, and head high.
Applause: with the palm of your right hand down, beat the left hand of the palm upward rhythmically. Used to express welcome, congratulations and support.
Praise: extend your right hand, raise your thumbs, your fingertips up, and your belly face the commendable.
Guide: to raise the right hand or left hand to a certain height, five fingers together, palm up, with elbow as axis, extend arm in a certain direction. To guide guests and direct directions.
2、 禁忌。
Unhygienic gesture. Scratch your scalp, dig your ears, dig your nostrils, scratch your itch, etc.
(2) an unstable posture. In front of the public, both hands are cluttered, scattered, or biting their nails and holding their heads.
3. Be disrespectful to the human hand. Use your index finger to guide others, tick the four fingers outside your index finger or thumb to greet others.
Fourth, it is difficult to distinguish between the object and the misuse. Because of different cultural backgrounds, the same gesture may be given different meanings. For example: the right hand palm outward, thumb and index finger synthetic circle, the other hand's straight hand posture, in Britain and the United States said "OK", in Japan, expressed money, in Latin America, it said dirty.
(一) 眼神友善
The eyes are the windows of the soul, and can be expressive. A friendly person shows a willingness to treat others kindly.
1. Fixation time. People who get along with others, if they gaze at each other's time, account for about 1/3 of the whole time, show friendliness; less than 1/3 means disdain; take up 2/3 or so; they express their importance; and surpass 2/3, they express interest or hostility.
2. Gaze angle. It is applicable to equal contacts with persons of the same status and position; if the opposite side is faced with each other, it will be contemptuous and disrespectful.
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