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    Fully Control Your Clothing Store Management Skills.

    2014/2/14 8:36:00 34

    Clothing StoreManagementSkills

    < p > How can you make your a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" > clothing "/a" shop under your control? Success can not be separated from efforts, correct and purposeful efforts can make the clothing franchisee business hot, grasp the clothing store business skills, timely adjust the management mode, let their shop face. Here are some methods of management and management for you to learn from. < /p >
    < p > < strong > a clothing chain store should be considered from the following aspects: < /strong > /p >
    < p > brand of clothing chain stores: choosing a mature and famous franchise brand can greatly reduce investment risk. When investors decide to join the ranks, they should choose a franchising system with a certain reputation and a certain length of operation and scale in the market, so that they can enjoy the benefits brought by the brand effect and can quickly enter the normal operation state. < /p >
    < p > clothing chain stores have distinctive management: Featured franchises can reduce the risk of vicious competition and enhance the chances of success. On the market today, we can say that as long as everything you want can be bought, you want to get a project that someone is doing. If you want to do something in this environment, you must have your own characteristics. It includes business characteristics, product characteristics, sales characteristics, management characteristics and so on. < /p >
    < p > clothing chain store system management training: mature franchising system has a good management system, which can reduce operational errors. The mature franchise system should have at least a few years of successful operation history, otherwise there will be no perfect unified management system with normal operation. This system includes pre training and continuous training, strong supervision system for operation management system and execution process, continuity and effectiveness of marketing and customer management, and system support for daily operation such as manpower, material and financial resources. The mature franchising system will have a complete set of affiliate projects, franchising rules, management system, operation principles, operation manuals, training manuals, and stable and standardized supply channels. < /p >
    < p > clothing franchise chain requirements: we should choose our franchising system which can achieve its own economic capabilities and conditions. Usually, we should first consider the rate of return on investment, not the lower the price of the franchisee. The key is whether the franchised stores can bring long-term and stable income. < /p >
    < p > clothing chain store location choice: no matter how well known brand, the choice of business location is very critical. There should not be too many competitors around. The same franchising system should have a suitable distance to separate the business area, only when there is a reasonable site. < /p >
    < p > < strong > clothing chain stores can be profitable in order to operate correctly, so we should pay attention to the following points: < /strong > /p >
    < p > < strong > the first point of dress chain store operation: < /strong > < /p >
    < p > in the early days of joining, we should pay attention to raising funds reasonably and investing funds rationally. As a result of rushing to start a business, the franchisees will join in the opening of stores. Some of the franchisees will go all over the place to raise money, deposit and so on, or even borrow usury. Once the shop is open, although the business is still smooth, but every day in order to raise money to pay debts, it is totally uncommitted to the business of the cause. The franchise skills of clothing stores include: once the first line is left due to the dispatch of funds, other employees in the store will be affected immediately, so the service quality will gradually decline. Therefore, the franchisees should do their best according to their abilities and choose the suitable franchise cost. Otherwise, they will be worried about debt and have a great impact on the operation of the storefront. < /p >
    < p > < strong > clothing chain stores second points of attention: < /strong > < /p >
    < p > control well a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_f.asp" > < /a > cost. It is very important to plan the purchase strategy and control the cost in the process of operation. It is absolutely necessary to reduce the cost in a lower range. Excessively saving is also not correct. For example, lighting effect is an essential condition to attract customers for the sale of certain goods. If we turn off the spotlights in order to save electricity, we will lose more. At the same time, it is also an effective way to control the cost. < /p >
    < p > < strong > clothing chain stores third points of attention: < /strong > < /p >
    < p > the management staff of the learned society will provide a series of training for staff management after joining, and will provide corresponding support to franchisees. However, far water can not save the near fire. Therefore, franchisees must realize that managing employees is their own business and must do well. The management skill of clothing franchises is that if managers can fully understand their employees, their work will be much more successful. Each employee has their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of ability, character, attitude, knowledge and culture. Some work quickly and cautiously, some are cautious and cautious, some are good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, others like to immerse themselves in statistics. Communicate with employees and listen to employees' voices. Untie the staff's heart knot, the team will be more united and work enthusiasm will be higher. At the same time, we must allow employees to make mistakes and praise employees who perform well in real time. {page_break} < /p >
    < p > < strong > clothing chain stores fourth points of attention: < /strong > < /p >
    < p > clothing franchisees management skills learn to manage customers, establish good customer relations, franchisees manage well, customers become loyal consumers, poor management, will be a great loss, and affect other customers. Therefore, joining the entrepreneur should learn to manage customer files, retain old customers, and tap new customers. Careful analysis of customer files will reveal their preferences, vision and purchasing power, so that they can better recommend goods and services to them. < /p >
    < p > < strong > clothing chain stores Fifth points of attention: < /strong > < /p >
    There is a very subtle relationship between P and its headquarters, which is closely related to each other and has its own interests. Franchisees often complain about bureaucracy in their headquarters. They only know how to command blindly and lack a clear understanding of the actual situation. Headquarters will also think that the franchisees are self centred and independent, and do not support or cooperate with headquarters. Clothing franchisee business skills are so-called too much, suspicion, conflict and complete dependence are not the franchisee's way of operation. < /p >
    < p > < strong > dress joining > a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp > > chain store < /a > operation note sixth points: < /strong > /p >
    < p > actively accumulate industry experience and industry experience. For joining the group, it is Hanxin's point of service, the more the better. The so-called interlacing, such as mountain crossing, and different interests of peers, is due to familiarity. Industry experience is hard to get from one or several books, and many things can only be acquired by personal experience. Therefore, the franchisee should be careful and accumulate. < /p >
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