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    What Is The Common Sense Of The Boss?

    2014/10/20 20:54:00 18

    BossCandidateCommon Sense

    There are two kinds of people, normal and abnormal.

    Among them, the normal people are divided into: human wealth, talent, talent and manpower.

    The normal person is the ability structure of the normal operation of the enterprise, while the abnormal person refers to some people existing in the enterprise or in the unhealthy enterprise.

    Human wealth: human wealth is the best among the normal talents. It can bring wealth and benefits directly to enterprises, and is the most needed person in enterprises.

    This type of person is characterized by proactive work, innovative job completion, and the core and leading role in organizational work.

    Talent: talent means talented people.

    These people have professional abilities or other abilities, but they are not or can not be turned into benefits and wealth.

    Talent: talent refers to the basic quality of people is good, has not yet pformed the needs of enterprises, of course, has not brought wealth and efficiency for enterprises.

    Manpower: the human hand is the assistant of others' work, and it is the person who helps people and wealth to achieve benefits.



    The characters are higher than what we usually talk about. They are extraordinary in terms of ability and energy. They refer to those who can solve major problems for enterprises and help enterprises achieve strategic breakthroughs.

    Man is: man means that human beings are neither positive nor negative, but exist in enterprises.

    Human calamity: human calamity refers to people who bring trouble to enterprises.

    Such people, as long as they exist in enterprises, will cause accidents and troubles, which will eventually lead to economic losses.

    Scum: scum is a person with quality problems and very destructive abilities.

    Such kind of people are evil and cunning.

    Harm others

    It is not important to be selfish after all.

    The purpose of this kind of human existence is to create trouble for others and organizations, gossip, discord, jealous jealous, internal and external collusion, and create various discordance.

    Normal people are needed in the normal state of an enterprise. What is most needed is the "human resources" that can solve the problem and the "manpower" in doing auxiliary work.

    The two most common words in enterprises are not "who can earn money, who is God" and "lack of manpower"?

    General accounting for human property


    The total number is 5% - 20%.

    The reason why the proportion is different is that the health status of enterprises is different.

    The higher the health is, the higher the proportion of people's wealth.

    Under normal circumstances, the proportion of human capital accounts for 5% - 10%.

    People's wealth is not only a high level in the enterprise, but also at all levels of the enterprise, not only at the level of the system manager, but also at the professional management level or at the professional level.

    These people are the core of the enterprise. Only with these people can the problems encountered by the enterprises be solved.

    So what do all the other seven people do? The most valuable among the other seven groups is manpower.

    Because manpower helps people realize their value, they can replicate their work under the guidance of human resources and bring scale benefits to enterprises.

    The manpower is the largest part of the enterprise, and generally accounts for about 30% - 60%.

    Some people would say, "why should we have manpower for enterprises to get money?" in actual operation, people's wealth can be done without help from the staff, but the number and scale of things done are very limited.

    Just like a general can kill the enemy, but there are no tens of millions of soldiers to help.

    Therefore, manpower is indispensable in organization.

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