Can Cross-Border Electricity Suppliers Improve China's Livelihood?
With ALI list 的成功,一股熾烈的電商熱正在全球范圍內擴不斷擴散,事實上,華爾街之所以像上門女婿一樣招待馬云,也是看中了中國巨大的電子商務潛力:這里的城市中遍地充斥著剁手族,他們在雙十一會買下全套的鍋碗瓢盆 銀筷子,雖然,這些人連個酸辣土豆絲都炒不好;這里的農村,廣袤又遼闊,有大概9億的人口,他們中的大多數依舊進行著最傳統的商業交換,在某些偏遠地區,如果人們穿點樹葉出來,會讓人有種置身于“原始社會”的感覺,但從農村走出去的大學生,正在把越來越多的花花世界帶回去,他們會幫助村里人在網上繳納手機費、水電費,會代購一些便宜的化肥和先進的農耕用具,當然,閑下來的時候,他們也會向大齡未婚青年,推薦一種可以打氣的娃娃,讓其度過每一個難捱的夜晚…
If you set your sights on your own community, you can only open a grocery store; if you look at the local city, you can open a large supermarket chain; but similarly, you can also put your eyes on all China and the world. Alibaba Amazon and other technology giants.
The author does not advocate the theory of "deciding the height of the pattern" and so on. It just wants to say that business can really be done in the whole world. With the integration and development of technology, economy, spanportation and culture, the concept of "global village" is becoming more and more popular. It coincides with the second round of expansion and competition of electricity suppliers. Business opportunities all over the world have been moved to the Internet, and the recent favorable news on policy is making the development direction of China's cross-border electricity providers clear. A big wave of business tycoons quickly came after smelling money. Based on this background, cross border electricity providers are expected to become the first "big club" in China's electricity sector. If the operation is available, cross-border electricity providers may even hope to substantially improve China's people's livelihood.
Difficulties, the rough road of electronic commerce exit
The word "cross border electricity supplier", which is the four words, is a biased phrase in terms of Chinese books. The main body is the electricity supplier, while the cross border is just a modified vocabulary. However, the actual decision is that the information content contained in "cross-border" is obviously higher than that in the "electricity supplier". In fact, if we want to do this business, the layout of the giants must be more focused on the "cross border". Because of this, it is not the sales mode that can really open the cross-border electricity supplier switch, nor is it the specific product or logistics trouble. The most important determinant depends on the policy vane. After all, to do business with foreigners is bound to be subject to some supervision.
It is gratifying to note that some central documents have clearly pointed out that in 2014, the "cross-border e-commerce pilot" should be expanded. The ten word instruction in this area has a very high gold content, which is more useful than the four portals throughout the year. On this basis, the policy has also derived the public opinion of "news broadcast" and the "notice on the bonded import mode of online e-commerce service pilot online shopping" in the customs. From these actions, we can basically confirm that the policy has already recognized cross-border electricity providers.
Policy support is a necessary condition for cross-border electricity providers, but it is by no means a sufficient condition. In fact, to enable cross-border electricity providers to blossom everywhere, the giant itself has to do well in the fundamentals of electric business and upgrade to Ver2.0.. I believe that the fundamentals of electric business have three main aspects: integrity, payment and logistics. Obviously, the newly launched cross-border electricity providers have a long way to go in these matters. First of all, if any business is to be done for a long time and make a brand, it must be based on good faith management. If the control is not good, the quality of goods, the price is faked, the virtual discount, and so on. Followed by the payment problem, this will have a very big impact on consumers' shopping experience. In many cases, the idea of consumers' abandonment is often produced in the lengthy payment process, but in contrast, payment is more inclined to a simple technical problem, which is the best solution to many troubles. For example, Alipay's cooperation between apple and Apple will not take too long. They will extend their evil hands to consumers in the world. The biggest bottleneck problem in cross-border electricity providers and even the whole Chinese business field is the development of supporting logistics. In simple terms, the speed of logistics determines the height of cross-border e-commerce. In fact, in the past double eleven Shopping Festival, Ali, Amazon has invested heavily in cross-border business, but the overall performance is not satisfactory, from commodity types to honest sales, to price comparison, cross border electricity providers have no bright spots, and in the logistics experience, almost to describe bad, advertising is 7 to 10 days to arrive, but the logistics system is very unstable, and some commodities for half a month or even a month, no news, so that I often doubt that cross-border logistics of the electricity supplier will not hire Malaysia Airlines's aircraft!
In short, the development of cross-border electricity providers is a development of the system. It needs policy support in advance, the giants invest heavily in the army, and more importantly, the practitioners who integrate the electricity supplier system must do well in fundamentals.
Who can take the lead in spreading the global e-commerce network?
Admittedly, there are still many urgent problems to solve in cross-border electricity providers. Some problems are fatal. But the global convergence of electricity providers is irreversible. As the popularity of the global village concept, economic, cultural, social, sports and even marriage integration will promote the integration of global commodity trading. The only thing to discuss is who will lead the cross-border electricity supplier boom, the Western or East, Ali or Amazon?
Because cross-border electricity providers demand higher brand image, therefore, in the foreseeable future, the whole cross-border electric business will be the world of Alibaba, Amazon and other giants. The only way for some sophisticated small entrepreneurs to wait is to be bought and become a exclusive counter on the giant platform, and specifically to the game between the East and the west, the author has to be pessimistic that the Western giants such as Amazon are likely to earn the first pot of gold. 事實上,從現有整體消費者的反饋上來看,亞馬遜的直郵跨境電商最受歡迎,其品類和物流體驗都領先于競爭對手,背靠其全球化的貨源組織、議價、物流等先天沉淀下的經驗,亞馬遜正迅速夸張領地,其直郵類商品已涉及到鞋靴、服飾、母嬰、營養等日常生活用品,如果要用數字體現大概要達到2000種以上吧!相比之下,國內企業要樸素了很多,雖然馬云在紐約紅得發紫,但地球人都知道淘寶上有不少的假貨,加之,中國又沒有太多具有世界影響力的品牌,總不能讓華為把他們的交換機放到淘寶上去賣吧,筆者認為,中國的跨境電商未來主攻方向應該是如何引進國外的商品,也就是,重點做進口電商,讓中國老百姓能更快、更便宜地用上外國原裝正貨。
Although the psychology is a bit unnatural, we have to admit that the so-called globalization in the media is more of an embarrassment of "Oriental assimilation by the west". It took us almost 15 years to export a Ma Yun, a Jackie Chan, a WeChat and an unknown number of corrupt officials and their wives and children. But they were accepting Western products, culture and values in minutes. In the morning, they woke up to see a NBA ball game. The knights were defeated for three times. At noon, they had a Kentucky bucket, and in the evening they took their daughter-in-law to Starbucks. I hope that Ali can lead the Chinese electricity supplier to pull back a city in cross border commodity trading, at least not to lose too much. We should not only export a Ma Yun, but also export more and more Ma Zi.
Why do Chinese people worship foreigners?
Speaking of cross-border electricity providers, I believe that in addition to discussing the basic operation within the scope of the electricity supplier, we should pay more attention to the social significance. In fact, any company that can hang the signboard for 100 years has a common character. It is the courage to shoulder social responsibilities. This commitment is not only to set up several hope schools for remote mountainous areas, but also to pay a tuition fee for a child who can not afford to learn, but to think about the key development projects of enterprises, and how to integrate them with the improvement of people's livelihood and the promotion of social harmony.
At this level, cross-border electricity providers must have more social significance than cross-border Internet games. If operated properly, he can even improve the daily life of Chinese people in Chengdu. At the very least, we do not need to ask people to buy milk powder.
For a nation that can eat gutter oil and drink melamine milk, the bottom line of life has been infinitely lowered. Foreigners can not imagine how low our demands for life are. Our food is out of order, milk powder is out of order, water is out of order. Now, even air is out of order. In all the necessities of life, there may be no sunshine left, thanks to the fact that there is only one sun in the world. Under this background, the author can no longer complain that Chinese people are complaining about foreign affairs. If we are born in the United States, children who are born in the United States can not drink six valent chromium water, eat confusing milk powder, and cram test oriented education. You scold me for worshipping foreigners, and curse me for not having Chinese heart. I recognize that as long as children are healthy. If there is a suitable way, I also want to bring back the air from abroad.
Speaking of China Livelihood The topic is really a bit insignificant, but we still believe that with the development of technology and society, we will gradually become better. For example, the cross-border electricity supplier mentioned in this article has the opportunity to integrate global commodity resources and open up the cultural concept of commodity trading between the East and the West. In addition, more and more imported goods will not only help the ordinary people to share the global quality resources, but also stimulate domestic manufacturers to change the concept of commodity service, and put more effort into the improvement of the quality of the products themselves, rather than on the promotion of marketing and price wars. In this sense, China's cross-border electricity supplier has a long way to go. Finally, we use a classic line in the courtyard of Qiao family: the four industries, the peasants, industry and commerce, and merchants are at the end, but they also shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the common people. At the time of the Qing Dynasty, Shanxi Merchants in Shanxi could only make their business across the Eurasian continent by camels. They could not only spanport Chinese tea and silk to Russia, but also spanport their local specialties and rare minerals to China, hoping that Qiao Zhiyong could do something, Ma Yun could do it, too rich, but not willful!
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