The Nine Paragraph Is Better Than All The Articles You Read This Year.
The disciple asked the teacher, "can you talk about the strangies of human beings?" the teacher replied, "they are anxious to grow up, and then lament the loss of their childhood; they exchange for health. money Later, he wanted to restore health with money. They are anxious about the future, but ignore the present happiness. Therefore, they neither live in the present nor live in the future. They live as if they would never die. Before death, it seemed as though he had never lived. "
One day, the dog asked the wolf: "do you have a house or a car?" The dog asked, "do you have three meals a day and fruit?" So do you have someone to coax you to play with you? Wolf says no. The dog despised: "you are really incompetent, why nothing!" the wolf laughed. "I have a character that does not eat shit. I have the goal of my pursuit. I have freedom you do not have. I am a lonely Wolf, and you are just a dog who thinks you are happy!"
A drop of ink fell into a glass of water. The cup of water immediately discoloured and could not be drunk. A drop of ink melted into the sea, and the sea was still a blue sea. Why? Because the size of the two is different. The unripe wheat spike is straight up to the ground, and the ripe wheat ears hang down their heads. Why? Because the weight of the two is different. To tolerate others is to be modest; to humble oneself is to weigh; together, it is the quality of a person.
Chicken lays eggs. chicken Shit, but you're sure to eat eggs instead of shit. So is chicken. Every good man can lay eggs and shit. For example, he will open a company very well, so you can buy his stock to make money; as for he talks nonsense, you don't need to learn. The most important thing for you is to eat more eggs, less chicken excrement, absorb nutrients and expand yourself. A lot of people do not eat eggs, and hunt for feces all day long. Do you grow stronger by eating droppings?
The master asked, "if you want to boil the kettle and find the firewood half enough when the fire is half done, what should you do?" The master said, "why don't you pour some water away from the kettle?"
According to a Harvard survey, there are only 7 decisions on the path of life, and the two opportunities are about 7 years apart. After 25 years of age, they will begin to appear. After 75 years of age, there will be no chance. The 7 opportunity in the past 50 years is not easy to catch for the first time, because it is too young to be caught for the last time, because it is too old. There are only 5 times left, and two of them will be missed, so there are actually only 3 chances.
The old Lama said to the Lama, "when you come to this world, you are crying, but everyone else is very happy. When you leave this world, everyone else is crying, you are very happy." Therefore, death is not sad, nor is life joyful.
The old man said to his child, "clench your fist and tell me how it feels." the child clenched his fist: "some tired!" the old man: "try to use some more strength!" the child: "more tired! Some suffocating!" the old man: "then you let go of it!" the child grew angry: "more relaxed!" the old man: "when you feel tired, the tighter you hold, the more tired you are, and you can release it."
If you accidentally lose 100 yuan, it seems to be lost somewhere, will you spend 200 yuan on the fare to retrieve those 100 pieces? stupid The problem can happen continuously in life: being scolded by a person, but it takes a lot of time to feel sad; to be angry at a thing, at the expense of others, at the cost of money, for revenge only; to lose a person's feelings, knowing that everything has been irrevocable, but also hurt his heart for a long time.
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