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    Sha Ji Town In Jiangsu: Pformation From "Tattered Village" To "Taobao Village"

    2016/1/31 13:37:00 769

    Taobao Online StoreE-CommerceRural E-Commerce And Success Stories

    In a short span of 4 years, Dongfengcun, Shah Town, Suining, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, pformed from a "tattered village" into an e-commerce "Taobao village".

    This electronic commerce

    Successful case

    Attracting mainstream media such as Japan, Germany and other Chinese media as well as mainland China.

    A village, known for its e-commerce, has become a shining new star in the information age, and its development pattern is striking.

    Dongfengcun was on the edge of Sha Ji Town, and drove from Suining County town for more than 20 minutes.

    In the town, there was a large advertisement sign, which was written on the "best network business fertile soil Award". In September 2010, when Alibaba held the "seventh global network commerce conference", the award was only awarded to Sha Ji town.

    Then Alibaba launched the "

    Rural e-commerce

    "Sha Ji mode" high-level seminar, Dongfengcun ushered in the China Academy of Social Sciences Information Research Center, the State Council Research Center, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of industry, the Ministry of agriculture, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and other "state" brand distinguished guests.

    Why does a "Taobao village" attract so much attention? "Sha Ji town is a typical model of promoting industrialization and rural industrialization with information technology. Here, informatization is not an auxiliary means, but a locomotive, which stimulates processing, manufacturing, services, logistics and so on, forming an industrial cluster and forming an ecosystem."

    When farmers start their own businesses at home, they can get rich and go to market economy with dignity.


     Dongfengcun's busy e-commerce scene in Sha Ji Town

    (bustling scene of Dongfengcun e-commerce in Sha Ji Town)

    The rise of Dongfengcun is inseparable from the 3 young entrepreneurs of sun Han, Chen Lei and Xia Kai, who are known as "three swordsmen" in Dongfengcun.

    At the door of the furniture processing factory, which was founded by Sun Han, there are 3 brands, one is the company sign, the other is the "university student village official network entrepreneurship demonstration base", and the other is "youth network demonstration base of the Communist Youth League of Suining county Party committee".

    And take the lead in "three swordsmen".

    Taobao shop

    Before selling simple homes, Dongfengcun, with more than 1180 families, was mostly engaged in waste plastics processing. It was known as "garbage village", but Dongfengcun also accumulated a rare "business experience".

    "Without this business experience, Dongfengcun could not become" Taobao village ".

    At present, there are more than 1000 online stores in Dongfengcun, and more than 400 households have opened online shops, with turnover exceeding 300 million yuan, and many shopkeepers earn over 10000 yuan per month.

    Sun Han graduated from Nanjing Forestry University with a diploma.

    In Nanjing, sun Han was a security guard; in Shanghai, he helped relatives to do business for 300 yuan a month.

    Sun Han also went to the bar to serve as a waiter. He also acted as a popular actor.

    Later, he returned to Suining County Mobile Corporation to work for a monthly salary of 3000 yuan, but was forced to resign because of the difference in the price of the mobile phone sold by the reselling company.

    After returning home from unemployment, sun cold, who played with computers all day, became a parent's heart.

    At that time, in order to install broadband Internet access, sun Han went to town's telecommunications bureau every day, and asked relevant personnel to eat.

    Sun Hanxian sold his mobile phone recharge card online and sold 30 copies in one night.

    Electronic Commerce

    It can become a means of survival.

    In 2006, sun Han officially opened the Taobao shop and operated some small furniture accessories and accessories. The monthly net profit was more than 2000 yuan, which could feed itself, but Sun Han was not satisfied. At that time, he found that there were more than 10 thousand stores on the same type of Taobao, the competition was fierce, and the profit margin was very small, so it was difficult to become "the main means of survival" and began to seek new products.

    Entrepreneurial inspiration was quite accidental. In the day of 2007, sun Han went to Shanghai alone and found the IKEA home supermarket.

    After investigation on the Internet, sun Han found that IKEA's fashionable and simple furniture has a market and the profit space is considerable. "So I made a decisive decision to rush home and started exploring the production of wooden furniture".

    Sun Han grass root venture, imitate IKEA to make cheap and simple furniture, known as "Shanzhai IKEA products".

    At the beginning, sun Han looked for the local carpenter to work on the foundry. He took 2000 pieces of founding capital, and found the carpenter in the village of the town.

    Next, the villagers began to find that sun Han shipped dozens of bills at home every day, but never paid for the door-to-door, nor did they shop. Villagers were talking about whether the child was engaging in pyramid selling. At the beginning, in order to keep secret, only two other good friends Chen Lei and Xia Kai knew in Sun Hankai's Taobao store.

    The 3 men worked together. Not only did they find carpenters in the locals, they copied the furniture of IKEA style, but they were fashionable at low prices, and met the needs of urban white-collar workers for fashion and practicality. They sold them very well on Taobao.


     Sha Jie Town, Dongfengcun, the trend of e-commerce

    (Dongfengcun's electronic commerce in Sha Ji Town)

    There is no air tight wall. After knowing the truth, the villagers immediately copied the "three swordsmen" online shop, opened a company, relatives and relatives, friends and friends, and quickly copied e-commerce.

    The original operators of waste plastic recycling people see that online merchants sell furniture on the Internet, they can earn money without leaving their homes and have abandoned the old school.

    In 2009, a large number of young people returned home to start their own businesses. Many of them were university graduates.

    Xiahe mountain is one of the returning university graduates. He told reporters that the turnover is about 1000000 yuan a year and the profit margin is 10%.

    Today, walking into the furniture processing factory of sun Han is facing a large workshop. Ten workers are operating modern machinery manufacturing simple furniture.

    Sun Han told reporters that in 2007 he invested about 100000 yuan to start a furniture processing workshop, and in 2010 he invested about 1000000 yuan to upgrade to a modern processing plant. At present, he has a turnover of about 5000000 yuan a year, and calculated by gross profit of 20%, sun Han has become a millionaire.

    Sun Han is still building a new factory. He needs to continue to expand his order.

    Sun Han's processing plant can not only produce simple furniture, but also produce panel furniture, solid wood furniture and solid wood bed furniture, and start from pure imitation to independent innovation, trying to pform from "Shanzhai IKEA village" to "expert furniture around you".

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