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    Some Non Cash Methods Can Effectively Motivate Employees.

    2016/3/17 11:45:00 44

    Shoe StoreEnterprise SystemSuggestion

    Quite a lot

    Shoe store

    Managers believe that providing employees with higher pay and better treatment can make them happy and achieve encouraging results.

    But the incentive effect of money is short-lived, and some non cash means can effectively motivate employees.

    Let's look at it together.

    First, weekly communication between the upper and lower levels.

    Timely identify problems in work to enhance mutual affection and relationships, and communicate closely with each other.

    On the one hand, we must ask the shopkeeper to follow the lead and let the employees open their hearts and talk about their work and ideological problems.


    On the other hand, it requires employees to be open and sincere and speak freely, and timely and effective communication can not only solve many existing and potential problems in many jobs, but also inspire employees' enthusiasm for work and form a harmonious team.

    Two, let employees reward other employees.

    As long as a staff member achieves a major goal, the employee is allowed to formally reward the employee who has the most help in achieving this goal in this group.

    This is also a reward for those employees who silently support but are often not praised.

    Three, let the work be more challenging.

    No one likes mediocrity, especially for those who are young and energetic. The challenging job and the satisfaction of success are more inspiring than the actual salary.

    Therefore, the store manager should appropriately empower employees to participate in more complicated and difficult work according to the requirements of employees, on the one hand, training and training employees, and on the other hand, it also improves employee satisfaction.

    Four, old staff bring new employees.

    New employees are familiar with

    Enterprise system

    The speed of mastering work methods and identifying corporate culture is mainly determined by the acceptance of new members by older employees.

    It is advisable to adopt a "mentor" system for new employees, with an old employee bringing a new employee.

    On the one hand, the new staff should be familiar with their responsibilities and skills as soon as possible, and it is also an incentive for the old staff.

    From a psychological point of view, people have the desire and demand to help others, so that the instructors of the old staff do the new employees reflect the importance and respect of the old employees, so that the old employees feel a sense of satisfaction and honor.

    Five. Let employees develop flexible work plans.

    The traditional way of target management is top-down. The advantage is that it can decompose the company's goals and implement them into departments and posts. The disadvantages are lack of flexibility and relative fixed objectives. However, changes in the external environment result in infeasibility or failure of the target, thus causing the contradiction between the examiners and the examiners.

    In order to solve such a contradiction, the manager should fully authorize, give employees greater rights and space, let employees make flexible work plans, arrange their own time and ways to accomplish the goals, and adjust their goals to a certain extent, so as to fully adjust the enthusiasm of the employees, stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the employees.

    Six. Set up employee interest group.

    A variety of interest groups or clubs can be set up by the company.

    For example, calligraphy and painting group, chess and card group, literature and art group, etc., and organize regular activities, the company gives certain financial support.

    Such an interest group can enhance the communication between departments and improve the harmony and cohesion of the organization.

    The company does not interfere with Party activities. Employees set up a group by themselves. Managers choose each other and take turns. Everyone has the opportunity to act as a leader.

    Seven. Organize leisure activities.

    Regular competitions are held, such as basketball, volleyball, table tennis and so on.

    It can be held on weekends, or with its customers, not only to improve communication and cooperation among employees, but also to enhance relations with customers.

    In addition, the picnic and dinner organized by departments can not only enhance communication and motivate morale, but also cultivate team spirit and team culture. Companies should have certain budgets to encourage employees to travel in groups.

    Eight, let employees see the happiness of customers.

    When people see that their efforts are actively changing other people around them, they feel better and happier.

    However, employees who do not directly interact with customers are usually unable to see the final results of their labor, and those who deal with customers usually hear customers complain.

    Therefore, stores can invite customers who have benefited from time to time to come to the company for discussion, and record videos to thank the team for their hard work and enhance the company's interaction with customers.

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