Online Purchase, How Goods Than Three?
A few days ago, I went to Amoy a cargo, and I found some minor problems when I came back to collate and inspect. Although I did not rush out many times, I went to see some things personally, but it was "sad and heartache" and "there was a lingering fear." therefore, it is necessary to sum up, and it will be a good reference for new hands who want to clean out the goods. These twelve "details" may have been over one or two. Maybe some of them are still lucky.
As a dream of hard work, it is not easy for us to open a shop by ourselves, and it is hard for us to do it. So how to make us suffer less "losses", "frustrations" and "injuries" in this process is a matter that must be considered and emphasized by our friends. I sincerely hope that you can learn some abilities of self protection and self care, and wish you all the best in the future of Taobao.
First, friends in the same city should not go together.
As everyone likes, I feel like I have to remind myself that I am often invited by friends of the same city, hoping to go to the company and care for each other, but also to find a way to chat. On the surface, it seems to be a good thing, but actually it is a bit wrong. (hope that friends in the city do not mind ha ha); on the other hand, it will cause unnecessary duplication of competing competition, and on the other hand, it will be influenced by others. There is no such thing as this topic. Of course, the details are not serious.
Two, reasonable outfit, light loading.
"The challenge", and it seems that I haven't been very tired for a few days since I came back. Because of the red skin and itching on the wearing vest, I was trampled on the floor to see that the goods were trampled on several times. Because of the high heel slippers, the five or six hours of continuous weariness became exhausted. So when I took "my bitter lesson" as a guide, and I would like to advise you to love the beautiful MM, it is best not to pay too much attention to your manners and appearance. I remember the first time I went to the wholesale market, because I didn't know "fierce" and dressed as usual.
Three, prevent bullying "life", a little "professional".
When the novice goes to pick up the goods, the average person will see it from his or her language and "outfit". Because most of them wear the same as usual, there is no iconic pick up cart on hand. How much do they like to ask when asking the price? How do you sell this? Or you can take a few things, so when you meet a bad wholesaler, you will deliberately increase your price in the absence of others. In this regard, you can refer to the following suggestions:
1) if the goods are not much used and not on the trolley, you can take 1-2 of the longest plastic bags in the wholesale market (preferably black).
2) when asking price, "how? How much do you mean by "or"? "How much can I buy?" "First, do not ask how much money? How can I sell this product?
Four, first purchase, avoid greedy.
For the first time, the newcomers are often at a loss. They do not know how much they are suitable for. They seem to feel that they can do that, but some people can not stop them when they are open. Sometimes they take the goods back to their homes and look at them again.
1) don't bring too much cash. If you plan to take three thousand, you don't need to bring four thousand, so that you can control compulsive; some people say that I don't take it with me, but I don't get it when I don't hit it. But in fact, you can really say that you can't help yourself when you get to that place. You will probably feel that you can get more ideas at once, and you may also be infected by "environment" for a while.
2) pay attention to seasonality. If you don't know the season time is two to three months ahead of the market, so you don't see the summer, but the manufacturers in the wholesale market are already busy preparing the sweaters; if you don't understand this, they are still in the summer tail goods and are still getting the cheap goods for the Qing Dynasty.
3) do not lose the idea that it is totally influenced by the opinions of wholesalers. Some beginners take the goods because they do not understand and know the market situation at all, so they can see what others take, and what the wholesalers say is to pay the money according to the wholesalers' opinions. So the attitude of purchase without any self assertion often causes confusion, uneasy collocation, and even less personal style. Therefore, we must analyze the business orientation before going to the market: bottom line or middle line. A good grasp of store taste: whether to be a leisure or a little lovable lady, but do not stop for such a difficulty. It is a time when people make mistakes and make mistakes. After experiencing several times, they will become mature and mature.
Five, less precious, avoid losses.
除了貨款我覺得別的東西盡量少帶,說起這個我就會悲傷頓生,新買幾個月的手機去市場淘貨時,什么時候被人偷走也不知(整個一大頭蝦),可能要兼顧的方面太多所以忽略了照顧好小小的手機;所以如有的淘友還想帶數碼相機去照點貨品、地理環境的、有的MM還帶著閃閃誘人的金項鏈金手鏈"招搖過市"的;那可得格外悠著點~,所謂"江湖險惡、防不甚防";在那樣比肩接踵、各色人等匯聚的"鬧市",根本不是你我等閑之輩可以招架得了的;所以又當以我"慘痛教訓"為鑒;貨款盡量放在不顯眼的如內衣層或口袋在褲腿上或小貼身腰包里,多加提防、多加小心一定沒錯;想想我們新手賣一件寶貝輕易嗎? You can't earn a lot of money and lose hundreds of thousands of things. That's what you want to do in the Yellow River.
Six, take more look and be careful of roasted seeds and nuts.
這個我吃過幾次小虧,不知道別的地方批發市場是怎樣,我們這里的批發市場,衣服、鞋帽、褲、裙、包包、飾品等等多得你幾天都看不完,你從這棟大樓出來另一棟大樓又出現在你面前,街鋪林立交錯,真是眼花繚亂、目不暇接,所以魚目混珠假扮廠家而投機取巧的人大有人在,行話就叫"炒貨";他們無廠無生產能力,靠自己眼光在不同生產廠家那里挑貨以打包價購入,然后以"批發價"批給淘貨的人,但價格卻比廠家的批發價貴不少,這樣的店一般有個特點,就是貨品沒有一個統一的風格,五花八門的什么都有,而且通過他們的精心搭配和店鋪風格的裝飾,你會錯以為是比較有檔次的品牌經營店,你會覺得好象是比那種簡陋的批發市場來得高檔;而我就因為一開始沒有經驗,在他們手上拿了貨再去簡陋的廠家批發市場轉時,就發現幾款一模一樣的貨,居然一 It took more than a few dozen dollars, and the depression in the mind would not be mentioned. The itch to hate can only be blamed on "blind eyes"; therefore, the novice friends should pay attention to it. The first thing to do is not rush to get the goods, ask more and see more, and find out the market situation.
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