What'S The Best Way To Make Your Job More Flexible?
If you are sitting at your desk, hoping to be able to work at home, work in rotation, visit less at home, or work in unconventional hours, we have some good news to tell you: there are many ways to make your traditional office work more flexible.
The exact definition of "flexible work" is highly elastic, "says Rita Friedman, a career coach in Philadelphia." it is very common that people tend to view flexible work as a job that adjusts their work time with the needs of their employees or that they can telecommuting jobs. "Rita Friedman said.
But flexible work also includes other situations, such as changing roles and responsibilities within a company (just like rotating jobs), providing options for shift work, or not participating in meetings and corporate activities.
Over the past ten years, employees no longer regard work as the focus of their lives, but regard it as something parallel to their own lives. Sutton Phil said, "the balance between work and life has become very important, and flexible work is really possible for people to strike a balance between work and life.
By setting up their own timetable, telecommuting in their home offices, or finding high-quality part-time jobs, people can shape their work and personal life by tailored to them.
Work is no longer a uniform arrangement. Flexible work has become a solution.
"Job flexibility has always been very attractive to both employees and employers."
Amy Huff Amy Hoover, President of Talent Zoo, said the website provides services to marketing, advertising and digital professionals.
"For employers, such as people who work at home," this means that the range of potential employees is significantly expanded, and for employees, it can help you find a balance between work and family life by saving commuting time, hosting children and invites people to spend money.
However, flexible work is not attractive to everyone, because there are always people who like to distinguish their work from other parts of their lives. Flex+Strategy Group/Work+Life Fit CEO Kari Williams Yost (Cali Williams Yost) said he was also a blogger and wrote a book entitled "fine tuning: realizing the dream one day at a time" (Tweak It: Make What Matters What).
"They don't like telecommuting. They want their time to be as consistent and regular as possible."
But for many people, flexible work is a way to balance their work and personal responsibilities, she added. "It can help them avoid wasting time (exhausting commuting and commuting), while working at the same time, can take care of children or elderly parents, and can better concentrate on completing a project faster without being distracted by other things in the office.
Instead of flexible work, they will waste time and money and lose work efficiency.
Figure out what you want.
The flexible working system may mean any combination of telecommuting, part-time jobs, flexible working hours, rotation, compression week or above, Sutton Phil said.
"What type of flexible work do you want to pursue and which type is best for your job?"
Research tools and methods available.
Your company may provide special treatment that makes your job more flexible.
And you may not even know it, so take the time to look at the company's policies carefully.
You can also use tools that allow you to telecommuting, Hoover said.
Does your employer own or use VoIP Internet phone (which can be easily carried to any place with high speed network connection), Skype, instant messenger, or cloud based computer? If the answer is yes, you are more likely to make your job more flexible.
Make a case to show your plan.
"Make your traditional way of doing better.
The best way is to provide your boss with some solutions, rather than just asking her to agree to your work at home, "Freedman said." if you can present a case to explain why it is good for the company, and how you will do it, it is more convincing than asking only if you can work at home, and expect the company to see the benefits of flexible work and to solve logistical problems.
Calm their worries.
Bosses have a lot of worries about telecommuting, Sutton said.
"Trust, communication and productivity are three major issues."
How do you convince them that you can work independently at home? What communication methods do you use, when to communicate, and how often you communicate? Are you going to track your work and prove to your boss how effective you are? How do you do it? "Even if your boss does not explicitly ask these questions, you have to raise these topics and answer questions that they have not even thought of."
It is proposed to try for some time.
It is proposed to try a certain period of time to measure efficiency, which shows that you and your colleagues are sufficiently motivated and reliable to pition to a "flexible" state, Hoover said.
Williams Yost also holds the same view, "set up an initial trial stage, so that your boss, team and yourself can adapt to flexible working system.
The trial period averaged three months.
Then we will evaluate and correct it before finalize the plan.
Enhance your value.
"By improving your technical skills, you can make yourself an office expert in a specific field, such as website design, e-mail communication or database management," Freedman said. "As long as you become the best candidate for a company's job, you have some influence. If the only employee who can improve the company's search engine optimization (SEO) ranking wants to work at 3 a.m. instead of 3 p.m., the requirements of their employees will be easier to accept than hiring (and spending) outside contractors."
Flexible use of flexibility.
If there are unexpected meetings or projects, and conflict with your plan, if possible, take company matters first, Williams Yost said.
Prove that you can succeed.
If all else fails, use a crisis to prove your reliability and try again.
"It is reported that during the severe winter storm that swept across the United States in 2011, tens of thousands of companies allowed employees to stay at home," Sutton Phil said. "If something happened, you could not go to work in person and take the opportunity to work at home instead of enjoying holidays or playing with snow.
Seize whatever happens.
Show your boss that you can still work efficiently in an unconventional or unconventional time.
The best way to deal with an extremely cautious boss is to prove your trustworthy nature in the very situation where they are worried that you are not reliable.
Take the initiative to replace others.
The best way to be flexible is to have team members substitute for each other so that everyone can carry out shifts they need instead of overloading others, Williams Yost said.
If you take the initiative to replace your colleagues, then when you need their help, they will probably repay you.
Let your customers and colleagues know any changes.
All pitions can be carried out successfully - whether you are telecommuting now, working in unconventional hours, or rotating teams or managers - you have to let others know about these changes.
Let your customers or colleagues know that you are no longer a traditional nine to five job, or you will host or attend meetings on the Skype Internet phone.
Tell everyone that you no longer have a manager, a team or a set of responsibilities - your role will change.
Notifying those who work with you may help everyone get involved.
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