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    How Can The Advantages Of Changzhou'S Textile And Dyeing Industry Co-Exist With Environmental Governance?

    2018/10/10 18:37:00 59

    ChangzhouPrinting And Dyeing IndustryEnvironmental ProtectionSewage Treatment

    Recently, in Changzhou The water treatment operator is monitoring the processing flow through the computer screen through the computer screen. He told reporters that he mainly looked at pH values in storage tanks and COD in all sewage tanks, as well as dissolved oxygen values. "Once the data exceed the standard, the online monitoring system will be displayed immediately to facilitate timely adjustment and control."

    The reporter saw that the printing and dyeing wastewater discharged from the printing and dyeing workshop was treated by biochemical treatment and then treated by ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. It can be directly used in dyeing workshop to form a recycling water for production. According to the monitoring system data, the sewage treatment facility can use 1100 tons of reclaimed water for workshop every day.

    Zhang Guocheng, deputy general manager of Xu Rong knitting, told reporters that since 2014, the company has invested about 30000000 yuan to complete the first phase of the sewage treatment and reuse facilities, the flue gas purification and spanformation of the stereotyping machine, and the renovation of the waste gas treatment facilities of the sewage station. It was formally put into operation in January 2015, and can reduce 300 thousand tons of sewage discharge annually. "At present, the company will invest 20 million yuan to build two phases of reclaimed water reuse projects, increase the intensity of terminal governance, and reduce pollutant emissions." Zhang Guocheng said that Xu Rong knitting was listed as the first water efficiency leader in the province in November last year and was named "green factory" by Ministry of industry and information technology in January 18th this year.

    Xu Rong knitting is only the textile printing and dyeing of our city. Clothing industry A miniature of China. According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Commission, Changzhou is one of the important textile and garment production bases in China. It has formed eight categories of cotton textile, printing and dyeing, wool textile, dyed weaving, chemical fiber, knitting, spinning machine, clothing and so on. It has created a large number of world-renowned small and giant enterprises with fine technology, excellent quality, good management and branding. According to statistics, in 2017, the total industrial output value of enterprises in our city was 1 trillion and 267 billion 168 million yuan, of which the total output value of textile and garment enterprises was 101 billion 25 million yuan, accounting for 7.97%, and the total export volume was 155 billion 480 million yuan, of which the total export volume of textile products was 27 billion 86 million yuan, accounting for 17.42%. In 2017, the number of enterprises in textile and clothing categories was 502, accounting for 12.1%, and the number of employees was about 100000. Other industries With strong industrial foundation, it is still the traditional dominant industry in our city.

    "Printing and dyeing water is not terrible, the key is governance. At present, we have achieved over 50% emission reduction. Textile printing and dyeing is a high-tech industry. We should rationally plan and layout the future development of textile printing and dyeing industry. We should let confident and thinking enterprises seek greater development and promote green development while winning the battle against pollution control. We are confident that this industry will become an industrial tourism project in the textile and dyeing industry. " Yun Fang, chairman of Changzhou East Star dyeing and Weaving Co., Ltd., told reporters. In September 15th, the city textile engineering society specially convened Xu Rong knitting, Qiang Sheng Textile, Ya Dong science and technology, Eastern ISDA and other enterprises to make suggestions on the special development plan of the textile and dyeing industry. We should make full use of good quality stock resources and avoid duplication of investment, formulate feasible Industrial standards, and actively guide and encourage the textile and dyeing industry to develop healthy, environmental, legal and compliance; and develop Changzhou textile. Printing and dyeing industry Special development plans should be phased out or eliminated backward production capacity.

    How can the industrial advantages and environmental governance co-exist? The regulation of water pollution prevention and control of Taihu, Jiangsu (2018 Edition) has been formally implemented since May 1st this year, giving the strategic emerging industries in the two or three level protected areas of Taihu river. Printing and dyeing industry Green development and high quality development bring opportunities and challenges.

    The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau told reporters that the main pollutants in the textile printing and dyeing industry were waste water, solid waste and exhaust gas, of which solid waste was mainly handled by third party units, and the exhaust gas was disposed mainly through the construction of pollution prevention and control facilities by enterprises. The waste water treatment, printing and dyeing enterprises in the park wastewater treatment through its own sewage station after takeover to the professional sewage treatment plant in the park to deal with, the majority of enterprises outside the park waste water through its own pretreatment, take over to the nearby city or township sewage treatment plant. At present, there are 6 matching sewage treatment plants in Changzhou Textile Industrial Park sewage treatment plant, and the design capacity of sewage treatment is 168 thousand tons / day. The average wastewater discharge in the textile printing and dyeing industry is 38 million 700 thousand tons / year, accounting for 29% of the total industrial wastewater. The annual output of printing and dyeing sludge in our city is about 214 thousand and 600 tons, accounting for 39.8% of the total solid waste sludge produced in the city, mainly through 6 new printing and dyeing sludge disposal units, such as new green sludge incineration heat energy Co., Ltd. As for the exhaust gas, it mainly comes from the singeing machine, the exhaust gas from the stereotype machine and the odor gas generated by the sewage treatment station. After fully implementing the central heating and self built waste gas pollution prevention and control facilities, the air pollution is basically controlled effectively.

    At present, some enterprises have problems such as unreasonable space layout, backward technology and equipment, and relatively backward environmental protection measures. The environmental protection department said that we should take all the regulatory, service and scientific governance to further improve the level of classification guidance and service, avoid the "one size fits all" stoppage, shutting down production and business, and make differentiated treatment to promote cleaner production and complete the "green" technological spanformation and effectively implement the ultra-low emission enterprises' limited production, so that enterprises willing to invest in environmental protection can taste the sweetness and inject green genes and green power into the development of enterprises.

    To speed up the high quality development of textile and dyeing enterprises, the NDRC, the Commission and the environmental protection bureau are striving to accelerate the implementation of the five major initiatives.

    First, organize the formulation of the special planning for the development of the textile and dyeing industry. According to the spirit of the provincial circular Committee, plan the development of the textile printing and dyeing industry in the whole city, make clear the direction of development, formulate the "special planning for the development of textile printing and dyeing industry", and compile the planning environmental impact report simultaneously, so that enterprises can enjoy the dividend policy as soon as possible.

    The two is to improve the park location and related procedures in a timely manner. According to the "special planning for industry development", relevant textile printing and dyeing parks will actively improve relevant procedures. For planning new printing and dyeing parks or industrial clusters to increase the location of printing and dyeing, the EIA of the park planning and planning will be completed as soon as possible, so as to clear the way for the subsequent landing of the printing and dyeing projects.

    The three is to promote the management of sewage permits and strictly control the total amount of pollutants. According to the relevant requirements, the printing and dyeing projects that have not obtained the pollutant discharge permit in accordance with the law will be shut down and eliminated. The municipalities will promptly urge the printing and dyeing enterprises that have not obtained the pollutant discharge permits to apply for pollutant discharge permits as soon as possible and determine the total amount of pollutants discharged by enterprises. For environmental problems, the time limit for rectification is specified in the discharge permit.

    Four, we should take part in infrastructure construction. We should take direct investment, investment subsidies and operation subsidies to guide and support the government and social capital to participate in the construction of related infrastructure, make up for the short development of the textile and dyeing industry, enhance the capacity of sludge disposal, plan the construction of sewage treatment plants and heating facilities ahead of time, and strive for the simultaneous implementation of environmental infrastructure and textile printing and dyeing projects.

    Five, we should promote the spanformation and upgrading of enterprises and enhance the green development of the industry. We must resolutely eliminate the small-scale and heavily polluting backward printing and dyeing enterprises, and provide resources for quality projects, such as production capacity and total pollutant discharge, so as to fully promote the upgrading of printing and dyeing enterprises in the printing and dyeing parks or areas where printing and dyeing are located. In order to improve product quality and competitiveness, energy saving and pollutant emission reduction are achieved. At the same time, we should actively guide the existing printing and dyeing enterprises to merge and reorganize, improve the degree of enterprise concentration and rate of entry, realize the replacement of production capacity and concentrate high-quality resources, form the scale advantage and enhance the competitiveness of the whole industry.

    Adhere to the concept of green development and accelerate the pace of spanformation and upgrading, this is the direction of development of textile printing and dyeing enterprises in our city. Only when we want to benefit from green, we need to be motivated by innovation. We should actively promote green spanformation, intelligent spanformation and technological spanformation, and take the initiative to shoulder the main responsibility of environmental governance. This is the right way for enterprises to go up with high quality development.

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