&Am 34;Advancend Prvate Speech Britain Custom Director&_34;One Belt And One Road&_34;Aparel Industry Internal Cooperation Summit And Cpit
I am delighted to be invited here today to discuss and share with everone_about
the Bespoke Tailoring and Branding Development Cooperation
between China and the UK with the background of“One Belt and One Road”strate.
I would like to make three points:
Firstは、the mamamain goal of the「One Belt and One Road」ida stengthen stststenengthen cooperation between China and the world.In the current economicは、particulalalalalalaaaafffrerererererererererererererereth th Braaatttttttttwidededededededetttttttttttttttttttttttwiwiwidededededededededededededededededededederererererererererereandandandandandandandandandanduld be through ject project s or busines forums.
As we are aware,in the
?British textiles are renowned for their quality and innovation、and many luxury brand s originated from the UK.
?The UK also hosts world famous London
Week 4 times a year.The other famous fashion_weeks are&September,Men in Januar&June).The other famous fashion on on on e e e e weeks are ine New York,Milan&Paris.I hope.I see some me me clotenese.ine
?UK is a hot bed of young and up comming designers.British designers are e e e e e e e e of the best in the world,and could offer a good opportnity of working Coking Coners.
?In the UK,we have some of the leading fashion school,for example,_Central Saint Martins and London Collage of Fashion,gradutes include,Steella McCartney,Alexand MQue,Chexand Mcclene。
Under the One Belt One Road initiative,we can see there re huge for China and the UK work togethe in the fashion and clothing_industry.
Second, George Brummell is a traditional British bespoke tailoring company, which has been successful in entering the Chinese luxury clothing market. This has been done by using a consultancy company which hasthe experience of helping British companies understand the Chinese market and culture. Through their help, we have managed to choose the right partners to work with. Early on we learnt an important part of doing business in China is “Cooperation, Win-win situation and a Share relationship”, which is why we have chosen to use the partnership model for our business in China. This model works well when both parties are happy to share the mutual rewards.
Our branding is based on theBritish traditional way of making bespoke garments by hand, using the finest British made fabrics. One of our tailors is a 5th generation tailor. Our suits are also made in the British style which has more construction than in other styles, with emphasis on the perfect fit.This is a very labour intensive craftsmanship process. Typically, a customer can expect to wait 90 days fora George Brummell bespoke suit, but what our clients are buying is a unique high quality bespoke garment made especially for them.
The bespoke suit is still the most elegant item of clothing a man can wear,so long long as its cut,colour and fabric arcorect-meanththat they fit thet the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the t t t t t the the the to to to to to bububububut t t t t t t t.wewewewewet t t t t t t t t t.wewewewewewewet t t t t t t t.wererererererereret t t t t t t t.wewewewet t t.We China a minimum of 4 times a year to sell product.
Third、although a lot of famous brand s clothes ararmade in China、there a a a a very few world in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in clothing brand s in the UK.I thinininwith a better_;undedededededededededededededededededededededededededededeststststststininininininaaahohohohohohohohohohohohohostststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststststt is very impotant that they have:
?Good quality products、or services with unique selling points
?Know British business culture and law
?Have a good UK management team
·the market and consumer buying behaviour to help create the marge
The advantages of investing in the UK are:
?Expand the business and promote Chinese brand awareness
?The opport nity to learn more advanced management smils in the UK
?Better reearch and development opportnities
?Good workforce flexibility(in comprison to the work councils of France and Germany)
?Investor friendly policies
?Hub of innovation and creative industries
?Stable and safe country
I do hope more Chinese businese ses will comme to the UK to discover the mark market opportnities.I will be in the UK to welcome you.Thank you for_your time.
- 関連記事
- 協會の動き | 第15回アジア紡織會議及び第9回中國紡織學術年會が開催されます。
- ニュース | 全世界産業の新たな動向を探る「一帯一路」「紡績協力フォーラム」が盛大に開催されました。
- 協會の動き | 70年前に磨いて、中國の紡績業が「世界最高峰」になるまでの道のりを棚卸します。
- 協會の動き | 中紡院:63年変化するチームの変わらない伝承と使命
- 毎日のトップ | 共和國の創立70周年:紡績人は記念メダルを獲得しました。業界の誇り
- 靴市場の見所 | 靴にも黒科學技術があります。中國初の無源スマートコントロール靴です。
- 特定のテーマを紹介する | 世界経済と環境大會、中國初の無源スマートコントロールシューズが會場を驚かせました。
- ニュース | 労働力ボーナスはもうなくなりました。カンボジア紡織服裝工場はまた給料をもらいました。
- 世界一周の視點 | パキスタン紡績工場協會は政府に綿の輸入関稅の撤廃を促しています。
- 業種の株式市場 | 香港株のダフニの株価はまばたきして“落下”の靴の王はこれらがまだあります。
- イギリスの「ジョージブルマ」高級個人カスタム取締役「一帯一路」アパレル産業國際合作サミットとドッキング會
- 仕事をやりましょう孫夫婦がマイクロブログを出して地下鉄の工事を非難し、ネットユーザーがスターの身分を悪用したと怒りました。
- ショーショーショー放送:2016上海ファッションウィーク「YUE未來を著る」テーマフォーラムが盛大に開催されました。
- 晉江國際靴紡城の周辺の商店の引っ越しの補助金は理解します。
- スズメの最終回は唐山海を暴露しました。李易峰文は多すぎて唾を吐きました。
- 陳赫張子萱さんはお父さんとお母さんが娘を迎え、陳赫さんは愛妻張子萱さんと友達の彭于晏さんと一緒に寫真を撮りました。
- 新鋭デザイナー尚文余個人ブランド5 W「ANY HOPE」のテーマを作ってこそ希望があります。
- 天を驚かして映畫の國広東の雙語が初めて開いて、威震天謝霆鋒劉青雲のトンリアがサスペンスの推理を演繹します!
- 維密の成長と上昇の原因は私達が學ぶべきです。
- アメリカの服は赤字にあえいでいます。