Clever Reception Of Unexpected Visitors
What situations do the secretaries often encounter? Some unexpected guests suddenly rush into the reception room. Sometimes they go straight to the boss's office, sometimes they directly ask for talks with their superiors. How should the Secretary respond effectively to these unexpected guests?
The secretary should first introduce himself to a sudden visitor, whether it is a person who wants to visit his superiors or to other matters in the company, and only when the other party is visiting the general business, the Secretary can not introduce himself to the Department concerned.
After asking about the purpose of the other party, the Secretary will ask the guest's name, identity and purpose.
If visitors hand in their business cards, they can be judged from their business cards.
If the visitor refuses to say the purpose of the visit, and the boss has a definite request for this, then he can say, "Sir, I am afraid I have to tell the boss what you want to talk about, so that I can arrange your meeting with him conveniently.
Can you tell me the general situation? "Or" can you tell me why you want to see Mr. Zhang? This is the first thing he wants me to know. "
If the visitor is still reluctant to tell the reason, he can say, "if you don't want to speak out now, I can understand why.
You can give Mr. Zhang a confidential letter and tell him the reason why you want to see him. I believe he will be very pleased to meet you.
At this point, he must smile with care and patience.
In general, goodwill visitors seldom refuse to speak out.
If you leave room for the boss, you can't directly answer his boss if he is clear about the situation. Because the boss may not want to advise the guest, he should first notify the boss's office.
Note that whoever answers the phone calls, "do you have an office?"
Do not call "hello", and tell if there is a visitor. Would you please tell me if your boss is convenient or not?
This gives the boss a choice. Maybe the boss is unwilling to meet the visitors.
If the boss is not here, he should explain to the visitor the reasons for his going out and the time to return. But he can not tell the place where his boss is away. He can tell the visitor: "sorry, he happened to be out, and he ordered back at X. What do you mean?"
At this time, the Secretary can say to the visitor, "if you like, I can talk to you first."
Or "can you tell me what is going on?
Can I tell you? "
In short, it is necessary to envisage for the other side and make an appropriate explanation.
If the boss does not want to receive an interview, the secretary should show the guest that the boss is not there, and can not tell the boss directly that he is unwilling to receive it.
At this point, guests should be asked to leave their business cards and that their boss will "inform" his "visit" when they return.
When a secretary decides that his boss does not want to see a visitor, he can reply to the visitor: "I hope I can give you more help, but he may be in urgent need for some time now. You'd better contact him with a letter."
According to the specific circumstances, how can you refuse visitors? 1, for the requesting sponsor, the Secretary can make the following reply: "every year, many organizations of our company ask for donations, and so (a) boss is willing to do these things, but the company's donation budget has a certain amount and can not exceed that. Can you leave your information? I think the boss will be happy to consider your group in the next year's donation budget."
2, if the Secretary finds out the visitor's affairs should consult with other people in the company, it should reply: "this matter should be handled by a certain gentleman. I will be happy to arrange appointments for you.
If he is not busy now, I believe he will be glad to see you right away. "
If the visitor agrees, the secretary should call someone to explain and tell the visitor the corresponding arrangement, for example, "a gentleman can't see you today. He wants to ask you whether you can come tomorrow morning at 9 a.m.". 3, if the visitor does not go, the secretary should not be rude to tell the reason why the other party must leave, and the attitude should be clear and firm so that the other party can get rid of any other lucky idea.
There are usually several situations in which visitors can not stay. The first is that they have been planned and suddenly changed, and they are at a loss for the time being; two, there is no place to go; three, they are waiting for the iron heart to finish their wishes; four, they can not say any reason, they just want to sit down for a while; five, they have ulterior motives; six, they are mixed up.
The secretary must distinguish different situations and deal with them accordingly.
Even if you confirm that the other side is making trouble, don't disturb your boss or security guard if you have to, because if you lose control, you can only explain the incompetence of the secretary.
To be cautious with different types of visitors, they are stubborn and willful visitors. Some visitors do not listen to any explanation or get confused. At this point, the secretary should be uncompromising and explain repeatedly.
At the same time, do not forget the guarantee of the visitor: if the other party writes to the boss, the boss will see the letter.
If a visitor threatens, the Secretary can quietly tell the boss, or call the Security Department of the company, and do not directly conflict with the visitors.
If you are excited, the secretary should try to calm them down. When this happens, it is best for the female secretary to come forward to receive them.
Sometimes there are cheaters in the market. These people often sell door-to-door, products or services are cheap and attractive, and the secretary must not be able to act for them. Especially, they should not disclose the financial situation of the company at any time.
Two, the reception process of unexpected visitors. The first thing that a secretary should do is to stand up and meet the visitors, so that they can not directly enter the boss's office, then greet each other politely, and then decide how to deal with the situation.
The procedures for receiving unexpected visitors are shown in Figure 5.2.
圖5.2 接待突發來訪者流程圖 說明:1、問清對方來訪的目的; 2、對于上司熟悉且非常重要的客人,如果上司當時有時間接待,應該盡量安排,可以把來訪者帶到會議室,為對方準備飲料和報紙,并告訴對方大概要等多久,同時禮貌地暗示對方上司的下一個約會何時開始,請對方注意時間; 3、對于上司熟悉且非常重要的客人,如果上司當時不愿接待或不在辦公室,由秘書對情況做出解釋,讓來訪者覺得他隨時都會受到歡迎,同時征詢來訪者意見,主動和來訪者另約一個見面時間,或幫助他安排和相關負責人見面;留下來訪者的聯系方式和資料,待上司方便時轉告上司,如果需要可進行后續安排; 4、 對于與公司和部門毫不相關的來訪者,有禮貌地回絕;但如果自己不能確定,一定要征詢相關負責人的
Opinions: 5, for other business related visits, you can tell the relevant departments the way of contact, leave the contact information and information of the other side, pfer to the relevant departments to handle; 6, for visitors who really should be in charge of the boss, they should note the contact information of each other and tell their superiors that they can not immediately receive him and explain.
If the other party is willing, you can recommend the other person to contact with other responsible persons in the Department, and at the same time tell the other person you can first tell your boss the way to write the letter or send the email to you, and tell the visiting situation when your boss is convenient, and follow up the arrangement according to your boss's advice.
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