Domestic And Foreign Time Charter Party
The tenant: it is: Leo: it is in the first place.
Address: telephone, code, telephone, telephone, etc.
Lessor: taxi driver: the company is in the first place.
Address: telephone, code, telephone, telephone, etc.
The first lease code.
The existing specifications, such as the motorboat / steamboat, the owner of the motorized / steamboat, are described in the schedule.
The agreement with the charterer is that:
Second ship specifications
The shipowner guarantees that the ship should be in conformity with the specification of the schedule on the date of delivery and during the term of the lease. If there is any discrepancy, the rent should be reduced to compensate the loss of the charterer.
Status of third ships
The shipowner ensures that the ship should be close, solid and solid in good working condition on the day of delivery and during the whole term of the lease. It is suitable for freight pportation in all respects, and the hull, machinery and equipment are in full and effective state, and qualified captain, crew and sailors shall be matched according to the required number.
Fourth leases
The shipowner is responsible for chartering the ship. The charterer will take the calendar month of the ship (the exact lease term is chartered by the charterer) and rent from the date of delivery of the ship.
Fifth navigational ranges
This ship is legally traded in a safe port, anchorage or location, within the scope of the guarantee clauses of the Institute of London insurers (but not including the gross domestic product). In the case of the underwriter insurer's underwriting, the charterer may send the ship to trade in areas outside the license, or at any time, to ship the ship to the area where the shipowner needs to pay additional premium for the war risk. In any case, the additional premium for the hull and machinery is borne by the charterer, but the surcharge is not higher than the minimum premium charged by the London underwriter. The insurance terms may not extend the standard form of the Institute's term insurance clause (1/10/1970) or the standard form of the Institute's war risk clause (1/7/1976), but exclude the risk of blockade and siege. The charterer pays the additional premium to the shipowner when he receives the relevant certificate policy. If the additional premium is rebate, the charterer shall be returned to the ship. The hull and machine shall be insured as the sum of the amount of the insurance, which is calculated on the basis of this. However, if the insured hull and the sum insured are not in conformity with the amount listed above, a smaller amount shall be calculated.
If the ship is navigated by China, the charterer will have the option to terminate the lease.
Unless the consent of the charterer is first obtained, the shipowner shall not send a ship to Taiwan port for any reason or any purpose.
Sixth prohibited loading
The ship is used for carrying legitimate goods, but it does not include the pport of dangerous goods in accordance with the rules of the Intergovernmental maritime consultative organization or any applicable regulations of the competent authorities.
The seventh port of delivery
The berth at any time that the vessel is allowed to float safely and at any time is allowed to be used by the ship at the time of delivery. It is to be delivered to the charterer within the office hours, and the cargo compartment must be cleaned at the time of delivery.
Eighth date of delivery
The ship is not to be delivered before it is completed. If the ship is not ready for delivery before ________17, the charterer will have the option of cancelling the lease at any time, but not later than the day when the ship is ready.
Ninth shipping notices
The shipowner gives the charterer the date of delivery and the date of delivery.
Inspection of tenth goods
The charterer shall appoint the surveyor to check the cargo hold and determine the oil on board when the ship surveyors are appointed. The surveyor's fees are divided into shipowners and charters. Before and after the oil is stored on the ship, the draft should be leveled before or after the ship, or the draft will not exceed 6 feet.
Eleventh shipowners supply projects
The ship supplies and / or pays all food, wages, consular fees and other expenses related to the captain, crew and sailors, supplies and / or pays all the necessary supplies for deck, cabin, engine room and other necessary supplies, and supplies and / or pays for all the lubricating oil and fresh water, and pays for all kinds of marine insurance, dry dock and other maintenance costs.
Twelfth cargo winches
Shipowners provide lifting equipment and equipment for all double pole cranes and / or turntable cranes to meet the lifting capacity specified in the form table and provide all ropes, pulley hangs, hoists and pulleys for actual loading and unloading of goods. If the ship has a heavy crane, the shipowner provides the necessary lifting gear for the crane. (see fifteenth)
The shipowner will provide deck crew switch cabin as required. The cargo crane will be ready before the ship reaches the loading berth or location, and deck and / or ramp should be provided. Each cabin winch operator and / or turntable hanger shall be provided for one day, and will be operated day and night as required. If the port or trade union rules stop the crew switch cabin or control winch and / or turntable crane, the charterer will hire the workers on the shore to replace and pay the cost.
Thirteenth lighting
The shipowners provide sufficient illumination for ship hatches and cargo compartments to operate on board lights and cluster lights.
Fourteenth clear tanks
If the charterer needs and is permitted by the local regulations, the shipowner shall provide the sailors clear the cabin and remove the padding for the purpose of shipping the next voyage payment. The charterer pays to the shipowner or sailor the clearance charge at the maximum time.
Fifteenth Charterers supply projects
Sixteenth fuels
The charterer receives all the oil stored on board the vessel at the time of delivery, and pays the fuel per ton of fuel oil and gas, and the tonnes of diesel fuel per metric ton of diesel oil. The shipowner receives all the oil stored on the ship when he returns the ship, and pays the oil price according to the current oil contract of the charterer. If there is no contract price, the oil price will be paid according to the contract of the main port of refueling. This ship is delivered at a time of not less than the amount of fuel oil, not less than the amount of diesel oil, not less than that of the amount of diesel oil, not less than that of the gross domestic product, which is no more than that of the gross domestic product. The fuel is not less than the amount of fuel oil at the time of return, but not more than that of the gross domestic product, which is no more than that of the gross domestic product of diesel oil.
The charterer can fill the fuel before the delivery of the ship, and the occupancy will not be rentable.
The charterer has the option to use the shipowner's fuel contract. During the tenancy period, if the shipowners and the Charterers can not arrange the fuel at the main refueling port of the voyage, the charterer has the right to terminate the lease.
Seventeenth rental rates
From the time of delivery of the ship (from GMT) to the time of return to the shipowner (the time of shipment), the charterer will carry 2240 tons of 1 tons on board the freeboard. Daily rental rates per ton per month are paid in cash, less than January, payable on a pro rata basis.
The rent for each subsequent period shall be paid within 7 banking days after the expiry of the date, and the advance payment shall be paid in advance for half a month (but the last period, the rent is prepaid to the charterer reasonably enough to complete the last voyage). The rent shall be deducted from the rebate and Commission which the Charterers and their agents have specified in addition to the items specified in the lease, and the actual cost of the rent suspension or the estimated period of the period of discontinued rent shall also be deducted from the cost incurred by the charterer during the above period and the charterer's claim for the shipowner under the lease. The first period of rent should be within 7 banking days after the delivery of the ship. If the date of payment expires, when the ship is stopped, the rental balance shall be paid within 7 banking days after the ship has been hired. The charterer also has the right to deduct the estimated port charge or expenses incurred on behalf of the shipowner in the last month's rent and the estimated amount of oil remaining on board.
If the rent is not paid, the shipowner has the right to withdraw the ship and not to use it to the charterer, but this does not damage the shipowner's claim for compensation in other respects according to the lease.
Eighteenth return ships
The ship shall return at the time when the lease expires, in accordance with the general condition of good delivery to the charterer (except for natural loss or loss of ship caused by second enumerated reasons), in the safe and frozen port of the charterer.
The charterer has the option of unloading the ship and giving the shipowner or the mariner the amount of the lump sum fee.
Nineteenth return notice
The charterer gives the shipowner no less than 10 days' notice of the expected port and date of the ship.
Twentieth last voyages
If the voyage of the ship is instructed to exceed the lease term, the charterer will use the ship to complete the voyage, but if the market price is higher than the rental rate stipulated in the lease, the market price shall be paid for the time beyond the lease term.
Twenty-first cargo spaces
In addition to keeping adequate and adequate parts for the use and storage of vessels, belongings, furniture, food and marine supplies by the captain, crew and sailors, all the space and capacity of the ship, including cabin, are also included in the Charter.
Twenty-second deck cargo
The charterer shall have the right to fill the deck and / or hatch part of the goods according to the usual maritime practice and to take care of them and take risks. Loading deck cargo shall be restricted by ship stability and seaworthiness. During the voyage, the captain and sailor were right.
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