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    Speeding Up Project Construction And Promoting Foreign Trade Economic Development

    2015/7/2 22:51:00 31

    Project ConstructionForeign Trade And Economic Development

    Provincial commerce department director Zhang Jian, deputy director Zhang Danning and his party, came to the new station area to investigate foreign trade import and export and investment situation, vice mayor Chen Xiaobo accompanied research.

    In recent years,

    New station area

    We should strive to improve the development environment of foreign trade, promote the construction of the two open platforms of the Hefei comprehensive bonded zone and the "new Europe" class, and optimize the foreign trade structure. It has become an important foreign trade growth pole in Hefei and even Anhui.

    In the month of 1~5 this year, the total amount of foreign trade and import and export volume reached 940 million US dollars, accounting for the whole year.

    Target task

    45.5% of the total progress is the first in the city.

    Of which, exports amounted to 540 million US dollars, up 84.4% over the same period last year.

    At the forum, Zhang Jian affirmed the achievements in the development of foreign trade in the new station area.

    He said


    Under the impetus of the municipal government, the foreign trade economy of the new station area has been developing rapidly, which has made outstanding contributions to the local economic and social development, and has also made useful explorations in the aspects of project construction and integration of production and city.

    Next, we should pay close attention to the import and export tasks of the whole year, the important economic support points, the new growth point of foreign trade, and the liaison and coordination mechanism. We should make a solid foundation, expand the market and serve well. We should make a benchmark for the development zones in the promotion of export-oriented projects, and make more contributions to the economic development of the province.

    Zhang Jian and his delegation also inspected the construction of Hefei comprehensive bonded zone and Xinsheng 8.5 generation line project.

    Related links:

    With the development of cross-border e-commerce, these technical problems will be solved.

    The government's policy to promote cross-border electricity supplier development will gradually shift from the main body of cross-border electricity suppliers to a strategic layout, and cross-border electricity providers will have a rare historical opportunity. At the same time, they will also inject new vitality into China's foreign trade development and domestic consumption circulation.

    Stimulating foreign trade growth and igniting domestic consumption.

    At present, the development of China's foreign trade is weak.

    As a new type of international trade mode, cross border electricity supplier will have a great potential in the market and will become an important growth point of foreign trade. It will also narrow the price gap between domestic and international consumer goods, especially luxury goods, and the differences in product categories, so as to effectively expand the consumption of imported goods.

    It is estimated that the average annual growth rate of cross-border e-commerce will exceed 30% in the next few years. In 2016, the volume of cross-border electricity supplier trade will increase to US $1 trillion, which will increase the proportion of total import and export trade.

    In particular, the growth of import retail e-commerce pactions will be more rapid. Consumers' awareness of cross-border Internet shopping, changes in consumption habits, upgrading of consumption structure and the promotion of various macroeconomic policies will strongly promote the return of overseas consumption purchasing power.

    The pilot of the free trade area helps cross-border electricity providers to leapfrog development.

    In 2015, the Shanghai free trade zone expansion and the approval of three free trade zones in Tianjin, Fujian and Guangdong will provide a wider experimental field for cross-border electricity supplier development.

    These four places will play the core role of the global supply chain logistics nodes, integrate all kinds of resources and elements on the chain, and become the fertile ground for the cross-border business growth of "buying and selling the whole world".

    The pilot policy of RMB internationalization, trade facilitation and seamless platform for the launch of the FTA will be tested in the field of cross-border electricity providers and will promote the leap forward development of cross-border electricity providers.

    Form a special mode, and replicate nationwide.

    In 2012, the national development and Reform Commission and the General Administration of Customs approved the pilot of cross-border electricity supplier services in Zhengzhou, and then extended to cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Pingtan and so on.

    These cities adopted direct purchase, bonded import and general export respectively, and formed their own distinctive models according to their own advantages.

    For example, Shanghai's "cross border links" formed a free trade area and a direct mail China mode. Ningbo built a "bonded stocking mode", Hangzhou established cross-border trade e-commerce Park, and Zhengzhou built cross-border goods distribution center.

    The new model will provide a replicable and promotional experience for the development of cross border electricity providers in China. In the future, more cities will develop cross-border electricity providers in China.

    The government's various good policies continue to ferment, and there will be a new policy system promulgated, cross-border electricity supplier development will usher in the spring.

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