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    Workplace Communication: Simple And Generous, Will You?

    2015/7/2 22:53:00 22


    Report important things to the supervisor, hoping that the company agrees that the sooner the report is made in a day, the better the results will be.

    Because everyone will accumulate emotions and stress every day, so it's best not to discuss important and good results at work.

    After evening, it is suitable for "chatting" without pressure.

    If he is busy with supervisor, he is more busy than you, but when many workers report to you, they are not speeches, they have no focus, they mean many things around, but they don't know what he really wants to make decisions about.

    If you are a subordinate, remember not to swear before, and how to do it after you finish it. He has never heard of it.

    Even if he really made a mistake, he said with an empathy, "I know why you do this and think so," but it will be easier to reach a consensus.

    Many people always face up to mistakes or meet customers' complaints. They always defer and investigate the process without saying that they are wrong.

    The problem is that the first priority in dealing with this matter is to apologize first.

    As a matter of fact, we should be self - critical before the supervisor. If the process is clearly examined, it is likely that the supervisor will think that it is not entirely your fault and will conversely speak for you.

    If you do not admit your mistake, it does not mean that you can speak.

    If you are an employee: are you prepared before visiting clients or talking to your boss? Is there anyone who tells you or helps you hear something wrong every day? Will you reflect on yourself if you say something wrong?

    If you are the supervisor: do you have the most appropriate way to communicate with your employees? Do you have the right time to correct your employees' wrong words? Can you make your employees a learning object?

    Proper words make people feel like a breeze.

    How to speak comfortably and achieve goals is a lesson everyone should study.

    As early as the spring and Autumn period, when "lobbyists" appeared, speaking was an art, but today is more important than three thousand years ago.

    A professional consultant group of a network said: as a workplace person, when we communicate with our superiors, we should be respectful, concise and generous. When we communicate with our subordinates, we should be gentle and dignified. When communicating with colleagues, we need to sort out our thinking first.

    Do you know if you have learned these workplace knowledge?

    Related links:

    Each candidate can understand the necessity of the interview, but when asked to interview too many times, the pain spot will appear.

    A CEO of a well-known technology company has asked every job candidate to undergo an astonishing 17 rounds of interviews although no one knows how and why such a brutal number of interviews.

    A few years ago, Google, after gaining fame in the industry, has asked for more than two digit interviews.

    Google's reason is sounding, it thinks recruitment will affect everyone in the enterprise, so everyone in the company is entitled to interview candidates.

    Fortunately, under the pressure of interview death, Google finally launched internal research.

    Research shows that after the four round of interviews, people who come back to participate in the reexamination will gradually decrease.

    Because Google's popular positions require advanced skills and creativity. For most jobs, over three interviews are totally unnecessary.

    Obviously, when the number of interviews is over the standard, not only can the company get very little additional value, but also every candidate will suffer unnecessary injury.

    Too many interviews can damage the spirit, self-esteem and perception of self-worth of candidates.

    On the one hand, it causes candidates to wait for a long time and under pressure. Both the candidate himself and his family will feel unnecessary pressure and inadaptability. On the other hand, if the candidate is on the job or he lives in other cities, he will force the candidate to create many false excuses to get away from the interview, which are very bad candidates experience.

    In addition, frequent requests for leave / absence can also affect the candidate's career.

    For the recruiter, too many interviews will not improve the recruitment decision, and it will cost a lot of time for the manager and the recruiter.

    If a candidate releases negative information about your interview process on the Internet, it may also hurt the external image of the company and future recruitment.

    But why do companies often ask for too many interviews? Fear of recruitment errors may be the main reason.

    But even if you hold more interviews, you can't guarantee which individual is perfectly suitable.

    So, lower your expectations.

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    For recruiters, holding too many interviews will not increase recruitment decisions, and will cost a lot of time for managers and recruiters. If a candidate releases negative information about your interview process on the Internet, it may also hurt the external image of the company and future recruitment.

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