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    If America Wants To Break Through The Difficult Position, Look At These Three Breakthroughs In Marketing Strategy.

    2016/8/17 17:07:00 46




    After developing to a certain stage, I found myself confused about management, so I once consulted management consulting company.

    In the process of investigation, the consulting firm felt strongly that the United States

    Clothes & Accessories

    For the strong desire to manage breakthroughs, the consultant has systematically diagnosed the internal and external situation of Metersbonwe since its start up, and gave a pertinent diagnosis report.

    The report pointed out that in recent years, Metersbonwe's market expansion has seen a relatively big market predicament due to the influence of quick success and instant benefit. The main predicament comes from three aspects: first, the lack of strategic layout of the market expansion and the nationwide spread of the net, but the market is not good enough to form a climate; two is the market.


    The image is not in line with the core value, resulting in waste of resources and influence on communication. Three, there is no systematic and effective regulation in the management of franchised stores, resulting in the failure of the terminal to connect with the air to facilitate sales.

    Based on the characteristics of the casual wear market and the opportunity of the Chinese casual wear market, the consulting team set up three breakthrough marketing strategies to help solve the market plight that has been plaguing Metersbonwe for a long time, while assisting Metersbonwe in its new strategic deployment.

     If America wants to break through the difficult position, look at these three breakthroughs in marketing strategy.

    First, brand repositioning and brand image planning for Metersbonwe:

    The expansion of any brand will encounter two problems. One is the product problem. We call it the entity part of the brand. If the product is defective, it is necessary to solve this entity problem as soon as possible. However, most of the enterprises are not in the physical part at present. On the contrary, the products and services of many brands are quite good. The biggest problem lies in the fact that the virtual part of the brand is not well done. Metersbonwe is also such a problem.

    At that time, Metersbonwe wanted to make the brand into an international brand and demanded the high-end brand atmosphere. Although its brand name solved the problem, it failed to integrate in the communication, and it made people feel neither fish nor fowl.

    The consulting company, on the one hand, has created a brand new core idea of "not taking the unusual path" for Metersbonwe's creativity on the one hand. It has clearly demonstrated the inner pursuit of Metersbonwe's target customers. The target audience of Metersbonwe is the young people who are mainly 20-25 years old. They have begun to have their own ideas, have positive and independent living claims and ecological activities, and they are unwilling to drift with the tide, they are drowned by the vulgar social customs, and they yearn for the true self and prove themselves.

    Can they disagree with the unique brand image and brand spirit of Metersbonwe's "do not take the unusual road" and their inner voice? Can they not agree with such brands? At the same time, the tremendous influence of Aaron Kwok and young idol superstar Jay Chou and the uniqueness of Metersbonwe brand itself make Metersbonwe's brand image stand out in the casual wear of JEANSWEST, Giordano, Baleno and other brands.

    With the continuous deepening of market promotion, brand awareness and awareness are rising, and sales are rising to a new high. It has laid a well-known brand position in Metersbonwe's domestic casual wear.

    Real can also be virtual, that is, mental level, and a brand slogan "do not take the unusual road" very clearly out of the target group of people - the young super family's inner needs; at the same time, through our professional design ability, we made breakthroughs in the store image, with the white bottom blue word as the LOGO signboard, highlighting the concise picture and deepening the visual impression, showing both the brand name and the appearance of many shop signs. The reshaping of the store's brand image and the image of the new new human Advertising Spokesperson made Metersbonwe glow with a new mental outlook, causing many customers to think Metersbonwe is an international brand, and also become the target of the young people's pursuit. The so-called brand core proposition is to require our brand to bring different interests to the target population. This point of interest can be

    Two, rolling investment strategy to solve the problem of market expansion in one fell swoop.


    The adoption of rolling investment has completely solved this problem. At the same time, as a region has done a thorough job, it has formed the regional brand influence, attracting other regional distributors to join.

    Through the strategy of rolling investment, the difficult problems that puzzled the enterprise for many years were solved at one fell swoop.

    Three, import system management, strengthen the exclusive store profitability:

    Metersbonwe, like China's many ambitious enterprises, is overlooking the expansion of the market. It only focuses on enclosure expansion but neglects the standardized management of franchised stores. The management and service of franchisees are very irregular. The non-standard management system produces a chain reaction, such as non-standard store service, non-standard price and non-standard sales promotion, etc., resulting in its single store performance is not ideal enough. Many franchises even choose to quit directly.

    On the one hand, I have redesigned the pattern of interior and exterior decoration of stores, and clearly put forward the requirements for the location of business circles. At the same time, we have introduced the exclusive store management system and the training follow-up of the system, and set up a single store sales specification.

    From the internal product display of the exclusive store to the strict process specification and language specification of the customer reception, the store has been kept consistent and the internal management system has been perfected. In combination with the advertising communication and store image that accords with the brand image, Metersbonwe's sales have quickly come out of the predicament, which has stabilized the confidence of the franchisees all over the country, and has brought the actual benefits to the franchisees, and has also promoted the expansion of the investment promotion of the franchised stores.


    Behind every successful man, there are always many unknown heroes who are planning for their lives.

    I remember 2005 in March 28th, Zhou Chengjian won the Marketing Award at the first brand annual award of the Chinese clothing industry in Beijing Century Theatre.

    On the same day after a year later, one of the leading entrepreneurs of the Zhejiang clothing industry once again raised the other crystal trophy of the second annual award of the Chinese clothing brand, the "Planning Award" on the same stage.

    This honor, of course, does not belong to Zhou Chengjian.

    Winning the planning award is an encouragement and recognition for Metersbonwe's development over the years.

    The development of an enterprise can not be separated from the precise planning process. Every enterprise should make strategic and targeted brand strategy planning, and further realize or satisfy the interests of the state, enterprise employees, brand consumers and all shareholders.

    Metersbonwe is to win the prestige of the state power, and its achievements come from the support from all walks of life and the upstream and downstream supply chain partners.

    The growth of any enterprise is inseparable from the planning process. In my opinion, making strategic planning for the long-term development of the company is the highest level of planning.

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