From The Recruitment Fair -- The Sustainability Of Marketing
Today, I went to a job fair with my friends. Although it was a bit cold in the rainy days, tens of thousands of job seekers arrived at the meeting early and lined up for a long queue. It looked like nearly 20 thousand people. Personnel at the entrance guard and limit the inflow so that the queuing team is 300 meters long. In this way, the long queue of job seekers slowly moved towards the entrance. Unfortunately, I didn't take this spectacular scene with my camera.
My friend squeezed in to get into the field. I went to eat something and waited at the exit. Because of the difficulty of finding a ticket and the huge flow of people, many job seekers can not enter the field normally. They want to try to mix in from the exit, but there is no way out.
At the exit, I waited for my friends to come out to observe the door and all kinds of job seekers. I also thought about the reasons why the recruitment meeting was so hot. First of all, it is difficult to apply for jobs. Wuhan is a concentrated place in Colleges and universities, and a large number of undergraduate and fresh graduates are facing employment. This has created an embarrassing situation for the oversupply of graduates. Secondly, I think the sponsor's marketing is good: the publicity for graduates is in place, and the limited online registration of gift tickets has been implemented, and the packaging of recruitment positions is good. I think the above two factors contributed to the hot spot of today's recruitment fair.
At the exit, I think someone will be on the stage. I don't know what's going on. The job seeker seems to be very dissatisfied, and he hears anything like a liar. Then people kept coming out, plus people waiting for export and others slowly, and people began to talk about it. I was curious, so I went over to chat with everyone. Everyone said something in your words. Some complain that it is hard to find a job now. Some say the employer has high conditions. However, the most discussed job seeker is the poor job fairs. I wonder why? Why do so many participants and employers say bad? After all of you came to my field to communicate, I realized that the organizers of the recruitment fair exaggerated the employing units and positions, and there were not many decent units in it. A person who took part in a job fair said that the scene was like a "Besieged City". People outside wanted to go in, and the people inside wanted to come out. It seems that everyone's opinions are different.
Finally, my friend came out, and I asked about the situation. As a result, I was shocked that my friend didn't throw a resume, and I asked why. Her statement is basically the same as that of the people just now. There is no decent unit and no suitable job. I would like to think that it is rare for everyone to have a wrong attitude. Is their vision too high? But anyway, the people who came out were very disappointed, as if they had been cheated.
A job fair is a marketing operation, you can attract customers, but ultimately do not necessarily satisfy the customers, only the marketing which attracts customers and lets the customers are satisfied is the success. Otherwise, it's a hammer deal.
The same is true of marketing for products and services (recruitment is a service). Whether you can make your target customers consistently recognize you or buy you is the key to success. Once or two, it can only represent temporary. This is what I call "sustainability of marketing". However, many enterprises often use the marketing method of drinking poison to quench thirst or predatory type. They only care about the temporary interests, which results in the offense of customers and the abandonment of customers. For example, some false promotions, fraudulent advertising, etc., these marketing behavior once or two times may be believed, and then may be condemning.
Then, how can we achieve the sustainability of marketing? I think the most important thing is that the operator should correct his attitude and communicate with the target audience in an honest and trustworthy manner so as to achieve the trust of the target audience. There are many means of marketing, but the purpose is to attract and maintain the attention and loyalty of the target audience. Having understood this reason, in practice, there will be no result that the target audience is happy and disappointed.
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